Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3249: Be strong, be confident

Chapter 3249 must be strong and confident

"Daddy, Xiao Longlong won't be killed by Uncle Feng and the others."

Xiao Haitang crossed Di Lingtian's shoulders, a little worried.

Xiao Haitang had other arrangements for the punishment of Venerable Black Dragon, so it was a pity that he was beaten to death.

"Baby, don't worry, this dragon has such a thick skin, how could he be beaten to death."

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and squeezed Xiao Haitang's small hand.

"Play too lightly, focus."

Di Lingtian nodded in agreement, glanced at Venerable Black Dragon, and added a little.

"Okay, Emperor Zun, don't worry!"

Feng Yunqi responded with a big smile, adding gravity to everyone at the same time, using all his strength.

The hammer-like fists slammed on the body of Venerable Black Dragon's head one after another. These people's eyes were fierce, and their fists hit the most painful spot, making Venerable Black Dragon screaming in pain.

"Elder Ancestor, we...what are we going to do."

Not far away, the ancestor elders and other black dragons were still lying on the ground.

Their projections were tortured by darkness in a different world, and they didn't get much better when they returned to reality. Now they don't even have the strength to stand up, they can only lie on the ground, and their hearts are filled with humiliation and resentment.

Seeing the respected and loved Venerable being rubbed against the ground by Feng Yunqi and others, the black dragons couldn't help it anymore.

In the absence of the Dragon King, the Venerable has the highest status among the black dragons. Treating the Venerable by these people is tantamount to trampling the entire face of the black dragon clan under their feet.

The corner of the ancestral elder's lips was quite helpless.

They don't even have the strength to catch a pheasant, and they still have chronic toxins, what else can they do?

What frustrated the ancestor elder was the attitude of Venerable Black Dragon towards Xiao Haitang.

After all, the Venerable was extremely flattering to that little girl, who would follow her for the rest of his life, and had completely lost the pride and bearing of being the Venerable Black Dragon.

Could it be that, as the venerable of their black dragon clan, they were also signed into the fate of being enslaved by the blood contract of the master and servant!

The ancestor sighed silently in his heart, and quickly cheered up.

No, it must not be the case, the venerable must pretend to be like this on purpose to reduce the vigilance of Emperor Ling Tianjun Mo Phoenix.

Yes, it must be like this. Venerable must already have a plan to dissipate this family of three!

The ancestor elders were refreshed, and his heart was full of hope again.

As long as the Venerable is still a day, the day when their Black Dragon clan will always be in their prime!

After a few howls, Venerable Black Dragon's eyes suddenly lit up.

It is really a big idiot. This brutal fight made the dragon suffer, but this is an opportunity to let the master calm down and ask for forgiveness from the master!

The people like Feng Yunqi would beat it harder, Xiao Haitang vented a bad breath, and most of the anger disappeared. In the future, he won't be too embarrassed, at best it will be a little tricky.

"Ah, Xiaolonglong is the most beautiful, cutest and smartest owner. Xiaolonglong knows that the owner is unhappy. It was Xiaolonglong who angered the owner. All this is Xiaolonglong's fault. Xiaolonglong is willing to be punished!"

"Master, in order to show Xiaolonglong's determination to be punished, let the storm come harder, Xiaolonglong can bear it!"

"Beautiful, cute and smart master, Xiaolonglong knows that Xiaolonglong's people have also angered the owner, and the owner can punish them together!"

Venerable Black Dragon figured out the key level, endured the severe pain, started to sing praises for Xiao Haitang, and strongly demanded that he be punished more severely.

In order to achieve its own goals, it even pulled all the people into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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