Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3235: A second of silence

Chapter 3235 observes a moment of silence

Shenyin looked at the rune book in Xiao Haitang's hand, and worries appeared on his face.

Emperor Lingtian locked the rune book, he must be afraid that Xiao Haitang would secretly learn by himself, which shows that the runes of that world must be taught by someone.

Xiao Haitang obviously wanted to learn by himself, Shenyin himself had no knowledge of talisman, and was deliberately worried.

"For the sake of safety, it is better not to teach yourself. The big deal is that I will find a way to delay the time and calculate the data slowly. Don't worry."

Shenyin stretched out his hand, taking advantage of Xiao Haitang's unpreparedness, directly confiscated the Talisman.

"Hey, you give it back to me!"

Little Haitang never expected that Shenyin would come this hand, and stood up quickly, reaching out to grab the rune book back.

She was a lot shorter than Shenyin, and she didn't even reach Shenyin's chest even if she stood on tiptoe and stretched out her hands.

In anger, Xiao Haitang stepped back one after another, pulling the distance between herself and Shenyin as far as possible.

A pair of chubby hands knotted, with a movement of mental power, the rune book that Shenyin lifted high disappeared and returned to Xiao Haitang's hands.

Xiao Haitang was unambiguous when he got the talisman, and he turned to the required part at the fastest speed and browsed quickly.

After all, Xiao Haitang is the daughter of Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang, she is not very old, and her mental power is not so powerful.

In addition, after Shenyin unlocked the talisman, she flipped through it several times in joy, and the memory time was faster.

When Shenyin came to her, she had quickly written down all the content about the auxiliary formation of carving and drawing calculations.

Xiao Haitang raised his small hand and stuffed the rune into Shenyin's arms.

"Here, take it, I've remembered everything now, just confiscate it."

"Space retrieval method, you still know this."

Shenyin took the rune book in his hand and placed it in the space ring.

In any case, it can prevent Xiao Haitang from learning more by himself.

"Of course, this is inherited from my mother."

Xiao Haitang is quite proud.

If it can be inherited to the mother’s pair of transparency, the eye of sight and the power of induction, whether it is analyzing the crystal ball or calculating the data of the gold thread, the speed can be increased by ten times, and there is no need to engrave the auxiliary calculation array. .

Strictly speaking, she has not inherited it, but the mother said that she is too young now, and her physical and mental powers are not as good as adults.

She couldn't afford the energy required to use these two talents. When she grew up, she would naturally awaken these two talents.

Xiao Haitang can't wait to grow up.

Shenyin admired Jun Mohuang even more.

He collected the talisman and sat back next to the crystal ball, meaningless to re-enter the dark cloud.

Xiao Haitang looked at him curiously, not understanding what he meant by sitting here and not leaving.

"I don't worry about your self-taught engraving auxiliary formation." So he wants to stay and watch.

"Then just look at it."

Xiao Haitang suddenly felt that Shenyin had the potential to be a housekeeper and mourned for a second of silence for his future wife.

Shenyin was afraid that Xiao Haitang could not remember it securely, so she deliberately took out the talisman and turned to the corresponding part for her, but Xiao Haitang refused.

She has already written down all of them, so she doesn't need to look again.

Xiao Haitang thought intently, Shenyin was left behind by her, and all the rune combinations that she had written down appeared in her mind.

After picking and choosing, Xiao Haitang determined the rune combination needed to engrave the auxiliary operation array.

The question came quickly. She basically learned these rune combinations, but in what order and in what way should they be combined to form a formation, this belongs to the content of the Emperor Ling Tianjiao, and Xiao Haitang has nothing to do with it. Known.

Today is updated...

Thank you Cheng Jiao for your little brother, Fanxingluo, for your favorite person? Wait for the baby's reward.

(End of this chapter)

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