Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3232: Shenyin's surprise

Chapter 3232 Surprise from God

"Shenyin, the gold thread you bring back in the future will become more and more complicated, right?"

After getting another new gold thread, Xiao Haitang looked tangled.

She wanted to send the gold thread faster, expand the data source infinitely, and calculate more rules of heaven and earth.

I also want him to send the gold thread more slowly, so that his calculations can keep up with the speed of God's gold thread.

"Yes, the fighting is getting fiercer now, and it will only get fiercer in the future."

The amount of information contained in the golden thread is related to the degree of complexity and the intensity of battle experienced by Shenyin.

Xiao Haitang looked at the gold thread piled up around her, frowning her delicate brows. She couldn't keep up. The gold thread would only accumulate and become more complicated.

I am afraid that all the time has to be used to calculate the golden thread brought back by Shenyin, and there is no time to think about the rules of heaven and earth to repair the crystal ball.

She must engrave an arithmetic matrix to assist in the calculation and speed up the calculation.

The problem is that she has only just started to learn amulets, and she hasn't learned the step of engraving the formation.

My dad was afraid that she would go through the rune books and learn runes by herself in the mirror world by herself, and used runes to lock her runes long ago.

She can only look at the part that she has learned, not the following content.

To untie the bell, you must tie the bell, and the rune locks imposed by your father can only be opened by him.

In other words, Xiao Haitang couldn't even take the risk of self-study to open the talismanic formation.

"With so many gold threads, if you want to speed up, you should be able to use talisman to create a tool to assist in acceleration. Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Shenyin didn't immediately go to the black cloud to fight, and walked over and sat beside Xiao Haitang.

"You are all right."

Xiao Haitang couldn't help but look at Shenyin with admiration.

This person has such a clever mind, he hardly understands talisman, but he can accurately see that she wants to engrave the formation to assist in the calculation.

If he can learn runes, he will definitely learn better than her.

"The problem now is that I need to engrave a formation method, but unfortunately the method of engraving this formation method is locked and cannot be opened by my ability."

There was a flash of inspiration in Xiao Haitang's mind, and the dead horse was a living horse doctor. He took out the rune book from the space ring and put it on Shenyin's hand, turning the rune book to the part that could no longer be turned.

"You see, this lock works like this."

Xiao Haitang stretched out Fatty's hand and forced to open the back part of the talisman.

A golden light shone on the spine of the book, and a golden lock the size of a spiritual stone shone.

The golden lock is composed of runes that are as thin as grains of rice, each rune overflowing with golden light.

As soon as Jin Suo appeared, Xiao Haitang couldn't open the part of the talisman document about engraving the formation.

"That's it."

God looked down and looked at this golden lock for a few seconds with a thoughtful look.

He stretched out his fingertips, a little bit of sacred light condensed on it.

Shenyin's fingertips drew a key in the air, and then stretched out his hand to grab it, and the divine brilliance directly condensed a key, which was caught in his palm.

Everything that followed was incredible, Xiao Haitang's first reaction even thought that God was hiding in magic.

With a sharp sound, Shenyin took this key and easily opened the rune lock on the spine of the book.

When the golden lock was opened, it immediately became dim and drifted away in the wind.

Losing the shackles of the rune lock, Xiao Haitang has no hindrance when opening the rune book.

"Shenyin, you... how did you do it!"

Xiao Haitang was surprised to flip through the talisman, from the formation part to the tail, flipping back and forth several times.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Cheng Jiao for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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