Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3225: Long Jianqiang

Chapter 3225 Long is strong

Each black dragon turned into a string puppet, and was lifted up into the sky by the energy thread, and the destination was the thick black cloud overhead.

The black dragons struggled frantically and it didn't help. The energy thread tightened and tightened, making them completely immobile in a few seconds.

"Zu...Elder Zu, help!"

The black dragons were flustered and told them instinct that something bad would happen after entering the black cloud. The black dragons put their only hope on the ancestor elders.

The ancestor elder is the oldest, the most knowledgeable and the most capable dragon in the black dragon clan except for the black dragon and the dragon king. The ancestor elder must have a way.

"Don't worry, everyone, maybe this is the Lord calling us."

Elder Ancestor has a calm face, he is also bound by the energy thread, he can't even bend his hind paws, what can he do.

However, the ancestor elder changed his mind, the one who has this ability to capture them in a transparent projection state is most likely the Venerable!

Hearing the ancestor elders say this, the black dragons felt confident.

That's great, they will see the Venerable soon, and when they see the Venerable, they must complain to the Venerable and sternly sue the Emperor Mo Phoenix, and let the Venerable find a place for them!

Getting closer to the black cloud, the black dragons were no longer afraid, but rejoiced, and their faces were full of expectations.

Finally, the black dragons were dragged into the black cloud, and there was pitch black in front of them, and all the dragons were enveloped by the surge of darkness.

"Sir, Sir, where are you!"

All the black dragons looked around, hoping to see the figure of Venerable Black Dragon immediately, but endless pain awaited them.

The black qi surged in the black cloud, and countless dark qi turned into thousands of tentacles, passing straight through the body of the ancestor elder and other black dragons.

The dark air has its own corrosive effect, and all the black dragons are extremely painful and their faces are distorted.

They can no longer maintain their true body form, and return to human form.

Despite this, the tentacles transformed into darkness still penetrated their bodies and corroded everywhere in their bodies.

Although their bodies are projections, they feel a lot of pain.

The most sour thing is that the dark air poses a real danger to the body that is projected onto the other world.

The air of darkness had just corroded, and the corroded area immediately recovered.

This feeling is even more painful, just like someone keeps slashing with a knife, cutting out a wound, and the wound is healed, and there are more knives and machetes to heal the wound.

Can't leave, can't die, can only stand here abruptly and endure inhuman torture.

The black dragons only now knew why Jun Mohuang wouldn't let everyone travel in the air. This was the result she had encountered long ago.

Obviously, His Holiness is not here either.

"Ahhhhh, this woman has a poisonous heart, she knows that this will happen but she doesn't explain it to us!"

Among the four black dragon kings, the black dragon king with the most violent temper yelled, counting all this on Jun Mohuang's head.

"She must have just seen us being taken away by these weird black spirits, but chose to ignore it. What a vicious woman!"

The other black dragons echoed continuously, and slammed Jun Mohuang.

But soon, the physical pain made them lose the strength to tell Jun Mohuang.

"Elder Patriarch, help Elder Patriarch!"

This kind of corroded, healed, and corroded feeling is extremely painful. The black dragons boast that they have strong willpower and can't stand it. They put their hope on the ancestor elders and asked for help.

"Everyone, wait, this elder thinks of a way."

The ancestor elder gritted his teeth, he was also restrained by the darkness at this moment, completely unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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