Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3197: Expect to be stupid

Chapter 3197 Expecting to be stupid

"Hahaha, it's not easy. This time we will take a closer look. If there is any other black dragon that dares to fight the wrong mind again, let's ask the emperor to refine it into a talisman. These black dragons are not as good as the black dragon. It’s also very good to be made into a dragon."

The old tortoise chuckled and scanned the ancestor elder and other black dragons maliciously.

"That's the case. If these black dragons collectively commit stupidity again, openly provoke the master and the emperor, and the master does not refine the pill for them, they will eventually become poisonous and die. By then, we will all have one. A talisman mount made from keel bones, isn’t it a good life?"

Lord Yinyue agreed with Laogui in public for the first time.

"Wow, I'm really looking forward to these black dragons being stupid!"

Wu Qianyong's eyes burst into bright green light, and he stared at the black dragons closely, like a hungry wolf seeing fresh meat.

If he owns a dragon, stepping on the dragon to fly into the air when confronting the enemy, and hitting the enemy's face with a punch, then he should be more handsome and handsome.

When you don’t usually fight, it’s not beautiful to invite Feng Yunqi to go to the sky together and enjoy the scenery in the sea of ​​clouds!

Hey, he has Fulong himself, why should he invite Feng Yunqi? He should invite sister, sister!

Wu Qianyong's words were unanimously approved by everyone, and everyone looked at the black dragon unscrupulously, and no one could resist the temptation to get a dragon.

The ancestor elders and the black dragons had blue veins violently between their foreheads, their faces were full of anger, and their fists clenched in their sleeves.

They only knew now that their venerable was actually killed by the Emperor Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian, and the venerable dragon bones were also refined into a dragon for the emperor’s lingtian trend.

That stinky girl, Xiao Haitang, dare to speak out to coax them!

That's for it, now Feng Yunqi, a group of untouchables from outside the region, dare to attack their ideas, wishing that they made a mistake, died of poison and were refined into a dragon.

How can the black dragon family withstand such humiliation, is it tolerable?

Many black dragons couldn't restrain their violent tempers, and they were about to attack immediately, and were stopped by the ancestor elders using secret words.

"Elder Ancestor, this group of people is too much, we must give them some color to see!" Otherwise, where is the face of the Black Dragon clan?

The black dragons were aggrieved in their hearts, but had to obey the ancestor elder's command. They could only use the secret language to transmit the voice and questioned the ancestor elder unconvincedly.

"Why, I feel angry, and want to beat this group of people?"

The ancestor elder coldly looked at the many black dragons who couldn't bear it, and before they could react, he began to sneer.

"Don't forget that you have chronic poison in your body. You only have the strength to walk and talk. What are you going to use to fight each other?!"

These black dragons who wanted to cause riots became stiff, and they had obviously forgotten this matter just now.

His head was beaten out by the opponent just now, and he hadn't lost his strength, so he could only be beaten again by the opponent.

This is not what makes them most afraid. If there is a conflict with Feng Yunqi and others and annoys Jun Mohuang, the poison in their body will be unsolvable.

The poison that Jun Mohuang refined was extremely tricky. The three elders and the four dragon kings tried all kinds of methods, and they couldn't even alleviate it at all. Instead, they tended to aggravate.

The black dragons never dared to try to detoxify again.

If this is the case, then they really have to be refined into Fulong.

"Elder Ancestor, what do we do now, it is impossible to make this group of people humiliate us all the time."

It is not to fight, nor is it not to fight, the black dragons are completely in trouble.

Today's update is complete...

I had insomnia last night until it was close to five in the morning, and I was dizzy throughout the day. The codewords could not wait to fall asleep on the keyboard. Too sleepy was in a bad state, so I must go to bed early and make up for it later.

(End of this chapter)

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