Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3194: Not necessary

Chapter 3194 is even more unnecessary

If the person in front of you wanted to do something to her, he could easily catch her without provoking her relationship with the black dragon, and the black dragon would really treat her as a fool.

"Master, master! The subordinate is wrong, the subordinate is wrong, and the subordinate will never dare to do it again!"

Venerable Black Dragon suddenly became anxious. Just now, its body was controlled to swim too fast, and the fierce aura in the sea of ​​blood had begun to erode the body of the soul condensed.

Xiao Haitang withdrew the enchantment, even if it was not swimming now, the evil spirit in the sea of ​​blood began to erode along the path of previous corrosion.

If this continues, sooner or later it will be beaten back into a round shape and become a ball again, even weaker than before, so it is no different from an abandoned dragon.

Xiao Haitang has a noble status, and it has nothing to do with it. It becomes a waste dragon and angers Xiao Haitang. It will have no status at all.

Venerable Black Dragon felt a strong sense of crisis, and looked at Xiao Haitang pitifully.

"To shut up!"

Xiao Haitang was too lazy to listen to the sophistry of the Black Dragon, and with a flick of his fingertips, the golden rune flew out and directly silenced it.

Seeing the golden rune, the bloody-formed boy flashed a keen interest in his eyes.

Is this the magic of this world? It is really amazing.

"What do you want me to do."

Xiao Haitang initially punished Venerable Black Dragon, with an exquisite little face with an angry expression, he looked at the boy in front of him.

Of course, this is only a preliminary punishment. When she leaves the sea of ​​blood safely and returns to her parents, that will be the beginning of the suffering of Venerable Black Dragon.

In an instant, Xiao Haitang thought of dozens of tricks to teach Venerable Black Dragon.

"Don't worry, I'm not malicious to you, I just want you to help me and follow me."

The boy who condensed blood light said softly, and with a flick of the hand formed by blood light, Venerable Black Dragon couldn't control his speed again and galloped toward the depths of the blood sea.

The boy floats in front of Xiao Haitang and leads the way.

The sea of ​​blood quickly retreated behind the two of them, and the fierce aura in the sea of ​​blood instantly swallowed the breath of Xiao Haitang and Venerable Black Dragon without leaving a trace.

The fierce air is like a sharp blade, constantly cutting its body.

Every step taken is like a thousand daggers cutting flesh on the body at the same time, which is extremely painful.

However, it was silenced by Xiao Haitang, and couldn't even make a painful cry for mercy, so he had to grit his teeth and endure it.

Venerable Black Dragon was very contradictory in his heart, and he scolded the boy leading the way in front of him just a second ago, and blamed this stinky kid for ruining his plan.

After a second, I regretted that I was tempted by Dragon Blood Bodhi. I was so confused and wanted to break the relationship between master and servant with Xiao Haitang. In all fairness, this little girl was actually very good to it.

If it hadn't had to die, it wouldn't be the result.

Venerable Black Dragon couldn't help bursting into tears, and he played a good card so badly that he was talking about himself!

Xiao Haitang kept trying to leave a mark, in case her parents would not find her after they found her, but the marks she made with vitality were swallowed up by the fierce qi in the blood.

Seeing this, the boy couldn’t help chuckles, “You don’t have to work hard, no matter what method you use, this sea of ​​blood will leave no mark. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, and I will send you out safely after the incident ."

"After it's done? What if it doesn't happen."

Xiao Haitang raised her brows and immediately heard the overtones of his words.

"If you can't, then you don't have to."

The boy was silent for two seconds, his voice low.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Lei Wushuang°, Meng and other babies for their rewards.

Let’s take a day off today, and continue to make changes tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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