Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3192: Can't control myself

Chapter 3192 can't control myself

"Quickly, what the **** is this!"

Feng Yunqi put his gaze on the black dragons such as the ancestor elders. It was the black dragon who brought them here. These black dragons must know something.

Wu Qianyong moved faster than him. He was preparing to act. Wu Qianyong had already grabbed the ancestor elder and hit the ancestor elder with his fist like a steel hammer.

Everyone did the same, and each picked up the black dragons and beat them.

"I... I don't know, the Venerable didn't tell us anything!"

The chronic poison under the little Begonia in the black dragons can't use even a trace of vitality, and has no power to fight back.

Many black dragons were beaten all over their heads and couldn't help but speak.

"I don't know? Huh, not knowing is not a reason, not an excuse!"

More fists fell on the faces of the black dragons, and on their bodies, all kinds of wailing and pain rang through the mountain col.

Everyone beat the black dragon violently, without asking anything, and they had nothing to do with the enchantment shrouded in the abyss, only waiting for the arrival of Emperor Ling Tianjun Mo Phoenix.

Feng Yunqi and others secretly annoyed, and blamed themselves for not being strong enough.

If they were stronger, could tear the barrier, or were proficient in runes like Emperor Lingtian, they would not sit here and wait if they could break the barrier.

The Snow Territory master comforted everyone: "Relax, the little princess is very smart, she must be prepared."

Not only did Feng Yunqi and the others feel less relaxed, they were even more worried.

No matter how clever and clever Xiao Haitang is, she is still a child, and now they can only hope that Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang will be here soon.

In a sea of ​​blood.

Xiao Haitang held the black dragon horns and entered the sea of ​​blood.

Before entering the sea of ​​blood, she smashed the protective jade talisman, the enchantment in the jade talisman spread out to protect her.

The transparent barrier enveloped her, and the fierce aura in the sea of ​​blood did not hurt her.

Little Haitang wanted to protect the Black Dragon Venerable with the barrier, but was politely declined by the Black Dragon Venerable.

Ha ha ha ha, it still has a place to sense Dragon Blood Bodhi by swimming in the sea of ​​blood, how can it sense Dragon Blood Bodhi after being protected by enchantment.

The fierce aura in the sea of ​​blood is indeed very powerful, as long as it slows down, it can be overcome.

As soon as Little Begonia and Venerable Black Dragon entered the sea of ​​blood, Venerable Black Dragon was extremely excited. Of course, Dragon Blood Bodhi was conceived in the sea of ​​blood.

Venerable Black Dragon is about to ignore Xiao Haitang's command and take her to wander in the sea of ​​blood, looking for Dragon Blood Bodhi.

A little bit of blood floated out, and instantly entered the eyebrows of Venerable Black Dragon.

In the next second, Venerable Black Dragon's body was controlled by blood and light, like a sharp arrow from the string, forced to swim to the depths of the blood sea.

Venerable Black Dragon struggled to regain control of his body, no matter how he tried, he still could not get back control of his body.

"Master, help, master! Subordinates can't control their body!"

It's okay in the low-speed state, this speed has completely exceeded its own limit, and the fierce and evil air in the sea of ​​blood continues to corrode its soul.

Venerable Black Dragon didn't care about face problems, so he had to ask Xiao Haitang for help.

"Don't make noise."

Xiao Haitang patted its head, shrank Venerable Black Dragon's body, and enlarged the defensive barrier that covered him, covering Venerable Black Dragon.

Looking into the depths of the blood sea, the expectation and excitement in the eyes are getting heavier and heavier.

The position where Xiaolonglong is now forced to advance is the position that summons her energy.

Venerable Black Dragon was extremely fast, and after a while, Xiao Haitang reached the deepest point in the center of the blood sea.

(End of this chapter)

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