Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3132: The best time to abduct Xiao Haitang

Chapter 3132 The best time to abduct Xiao Haitang

Xiao Haitang is very smart, how difficult it is to trick a little girl.

The ancestor elder's gaze beamed, pretending to pay attention to Jun Mohuang's alchemy, but in fact the remaining light kept looking at Xiao Haitang.

Jun Mohuang didn't realize it, and at this moment his attention was all on the strange fruit.

After pouring all the fruits out of the space ring, the ink-colored flames poured out, sweeping the strange fruits into the sea of ​​fire.

Jun Mohuang began to carefully burn each exotic fruit with an ink flame.

During this period of wandering in the dense forest, she has used the power of induction to figure out the details of these strange fruits.

These strange fruits turned out to be the original fruits condensing the power of the original source.

Each of these origin fruits has a weird shape, but a means to deceive everyone makes it impossible to think about the origin fruits.

The power of the origin, in short, is the most original power between heaven and earth, similar to the great avenue of heaven and earth, except that the power of the origin is more pure.

Practitioners are extremely hungry for the power of the source, and even fascinated, but the power of the source in this world is very scarce, and many people often have not experienced the feeling of absorbing the power of the source in their entire lives.

Di Lingtian possessed the power of origin. There was a time when Jun Mohuang was very tired of sucking the power of origin by his side, cough, of course she also likes it now.

Jun Mohuang guessed that the reason why Di Lingtian possessed the original power in his body was because of his perfect bloodline of both the Demon Race and the Rune.

Pulling away, back to the topic.

In addition to the physical and mental comfort of the cultivator, the power of the origin can completely transform the attributes of the cultivator's body meridians.

For example, the meridians of Feng Yunqi and others who have no attributes are transformed into the same as those of Xueyuzhu and others.

Meridians with attributes are naturally more powerful than those without attributes.

The effect of changing the attributes of the meridians can't be achieved by any heaven, spirit, and earth treasure except for the power of the massive source.

Each singular fruit contains a huge amount of original power, and the original power of all the fruits together is extremely impressive. Refining the pill can also enhance the efficacy of the medicine, which is enough to change the meridian attributes of everyone except the Xueyu lord and other people.

However, why the special runes on the original fruit buds that record the growth mode are presented in the form of the runes combined with the black dragon characters instead of the characters of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan?

Well, now is not the time to think about this, so I will refine it first.

Jun Mohuang cautiously burnt each original fruit with mental power, carefully drawing out the original power inside the fruit.

The power of the source is drawn out, and it immediately blends into the world.

The black flame immediately formed a cage, trapping all the power of the source.

More and more the power of the origin was drawn out, and an origin fruit began to wither.

The last ray of origin power gushes out, and the origin fruit is completely withered and turned into powder, dissipating in the world.

In the center of the black flame, only a cloud of original power remained.

Jun Mohuang controlled the ink flame to continuously compress, the original power became smaller and smaller, and cores began to appear.

Everything that Jun Mohuang did was seen by the transparent person through the round mirror.

"It was my intentional arrangement to discover all this so quickly, this girl is very smart."

When Jun Mohuang guessed that the power of the Canaan Underground Palace prevented everyone from entering the next round of testing, the transparent man's handsome face was surprised.

"Hmph, that is, my mother is so smart."

Little Phoenix raised her head proudly, and exulted.

(End of this chapter)

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