Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3122: Retreat

Chapter 3122 retreats to advance

Everyone couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring. These feathers flew randomly in the air, each of which was larger in size and stronger than the feathers they could condense.

"Goddess, what happened next?"

The Flame Domain Master couldn't hold back anymore. Not only did she want to know what happened afterwards, but also why the group of people who followed Jun Mohuang suddenly increased their fighting power and could condense such a large feather.

Could it be that Jun Mohuang had a technique that made his tribe stronger.

The Flame Territory Lord and other clansmen felt tight. If this is the case, then Jun Mo Phoenix and Snow Territory Lord will be more difficult to deal with, and their desire to help the white-clothed girl earn more points will be even more difficult.

The host of the flame domain wanted to raise the alertness of the white-clothed girl through this incident, but before she could tell her true intentions, she was interrupted coldly by the white-clothed girl.

"It doesn't matter what happens later, it doesn't matter to us anyway. Master Yan, you should put your energy and IQ on how to earn more assessment points for your master, instead of getting negative points and zero points to drag your master. On the hind legs, pay attention to something insignificant!"

The white-clothed girl was very upset in her heart. She really wanted to use a hammer to pry open the heads of these people to see if there was tofu in their heads.

When is this, they still have the heart to worry about Jun Mohuang!

Obviously, the girl in white did not see any abnormality in the golden feathers in the sky behind her.

She didn't know the fighting power of the people in the clan at all, she didn't know at all, the golden feathers in the sky were abnormally big.

"Yes, the goddess, the subordinates know their mistakes, please forgive me."

The host of the flame domain swallowed what he said, bowing his head to admit his mistake.

"Just know what's wrong."

The girl in white snorted coldly, and continued walking forward.

"The test teleportation of the first level of the underground palace has never appeared. You'd better take advantage of this time to think about how to deal with the group of people in the snow domain."

"Yes, Goddess."

The Lord of the Flame Region automatically took a step back and kept a distance from the girl in white as a sign of respect. She was surrounded by other people.

Forget it, the goddess hasn't recovered her strength yet, telling her that the abnormality is just adding to her troubles. For this problem, we should discuss with the tribe and come up with a solution.

"Let's figure out a solution first."

The Lord of the Yan Territory did his duty loyally and began to discuss with the tribesmen in a secret language.

"The power gap is too great, and the domain owner has no choice."

A domain master looks sad and not motivated.

The performance of the girl in white made him very disappointed. First, she promised to cede a hundred thousand miles to the black dragon clan. This would not even understand the hint of the flame domain master, and the IQ would not be worthy of the level that the goddess should have.

If it wasn't for the loyalty in his bones, he had just ran to Jun Mohuang's side.

"Lord Yan, I have nothing to do."

Similar to this domain owner, everyone was not very motivated, and they all said they couldn't help it.

"Are you dissatisfied with the fact that the goddess king cut the land for 100,000 miles?!"

The Lord of the Flame Region was irritated by the attitude of the people, and suddenly raised his voice in the secret language.

Everyone is silent, isn't this nonsense, as long as they are members of the clan, they will be dissatisfied with it.

"Hmph, you are really short-sighted, why don't you know that Goddess is advancing with retreat?!"

"Now of course it is more important to get the Most Yin Cyclone. As long as you get the Most Yin Cyclone, the goddess will return to the ninth-order Dzogchen peak. Neither the Black Dragon Clan Dragon Emperor nor the Black Dragon Venerable have returned, let alone reclaiming 100,000 miles of territory. It is not difficult to lay down the 100,000-mile territory of the Black Dragon clan."

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Lei Wushuang°, 133******58 and other babies for their rewards.

Okay, today I finally took the steps to make up the changes and successfully made up one chapter, and there are five chapters left.

(End of this chapter)

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