Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3094: Xiao Haitang overheard

Chapter 3094 Xiao Haitang Eavesdropping

In the next moment, they had left the mirror world and appeared near a dense forest.

At the same time, Jun Mohuang received a strange fruit, and the girl in white was transported away by Canaan's underground palace.

The energy fluctuations during the teleportation were very strong, and Jun Mohuang did not notice that Xiao Haitang and Mo Xiaoke left the mirror world at exactly this time.

In the unfamiliar environment in front of him, Xiao Haitang knew that she and Mo Xiaoke were no longer in the mirror world.

She summoned Luo Chen and the Black Dragon as a protective force to protect Mo Xiaoke and herself.

However, the two had accompany Xiao Haitang to practice attacking amulets before, and they were forced to return to the bracelets and rings just a few seconds after being summoned.

Xiao Haitang stayed calm, and then he felt the aura of Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian.

Xiao Haitang soon discovered that the breath of his parents was looming, indicating that the two were far away and not nearby.

In the dense forest behind him, from time to time there was the sound of a beast's roar and sharp claws pulling on the ground. Xiao Haitang and Mo Xiaoke instantly felt cold all over, and took their weapons into their hands to prevent the beasts suddenly rushing out. .

At this time, the breath of many people appeared in the distance.

"Someone is coming, sister, let's hide in the tree."


Mo Xiaoke nodded, and at the same time as Xiao Haitang took out the concealed aura jade charm, and quietly jumped to the tree.

The breath of a child is very weak, and it is easy to be ignored.

The concealed jade talisman was carved and painted by Emperor Lingtian himself, used to hide the aura of children of their grades, even the powerhouses of the ninth-level Great Perfection of the Primordial Divine Realm would not find it.

The crown of the tree is luxuriant with branches and leaves, and the two villains hide well, and they disappear into the world as if they were invisible in an instant.

Xiao Haitang and Mo Xiaoke waited patiently for a while, when footsteps came from under the tree.

Immediately afterwards, a female voice sounded: "It is true that the sun has come out from the west. The dignified ancestors actually want to cooperate with the domain master. The domain master feels very suspicious and suspects that there is an explosion."

The voice of this female voice was a bit arrogant and self-esteem, Xiao Haitang's delicate little face was slightly wrinkled, and she immediately recognized that it was the voice of the Lord of the Flame Region.

"Lord of the Flame Region, don't pretend to be here. This elder and all the Black Dragon clan don't want Monarch Mo Phoenix to get the most Yin cyclone and sit on the position of the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan."

"Don't forget, you and your people performed too badly in the valley. Your goddess now only has a poor three hundred points. You don't cooperate with the elders and the black dragon clan, this time you get monster crystals in the valley. Shi exchanges the score for the test, you will definitely lose to the snow domain master."

A man snorted softly, sounding very young, but full of mature.

No need to guess now, Xiao Haitang and Mo Xiaoke already knew from the words of the master of the flame domain that this person was the ancestor elder of the Black Dragon clan.


When the ancestor elder talked about the pain, the host of the Yan domain turned white.

The ancestor elder sneered: "Cooperating with this elder, you have no room to refuse, otherwise your Goddess Jun score will not be as good as Jun Mohuang. Why, are you sure you still have to hold back your Goddess King?"

"Okay, but you and I teamed up to grab the beast spar from the snow bitch, I'm seven and three!"

The Yan Territory master bit his lip, and the ancestor elder was absolutely right.

It's not that her fighting power with the people on her side is too weak, but that their poor performance in the canyon greatly drags down the white-clothed girl and makes the white-clothed girl very unhappy.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you One"swholelife, Brother Chengjiao, Tear Wushuang° and other babies for their rewards.

I still feel uncomfortable at night, Calvin changed it three times to ensure the quality. Send less today, ask everyone for today’s leave, tomorrow I will work hard to get more codes, right?

(End of this chapter)

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