Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3074: Honey confident

Chapter 3074 Honey Confidence

The ancestor elder had to lock all the targets on the shoots that needed the growth results of the two elements of fire and thunder, and the shoots that other elements wanted to go were ignored.

With a choice, the Black Dragon clan also scored quickly.

Both the Snow Territory Lord and the Patriarch Elder have found their own scoring methods, but the Yan Territory Lord and other tribes are unable to do anything.

They have a little knowledge of the special runes, they can only interpret the meaning of the runes, and cannot interpret the meaning of the black dragon clan characters.

With the method used with a little knowledge, the shoots always die suddenly after half-growing.

After working for an hour, not only did the Yan Territory masters not get a fruit to score, but they also deducted two hundred and fifty points for killing 25 young shoots.

The jade talisman in the hands of the Yanyu domain master has become negative five hundred points.

At the beginning, everyone was disapproved. It was nothing more than killing a shoot. They were gaining experience from failure. When they accumulated enough experience, they could successfully grow the shoot without understanding the black dragon clan. These were deducted. The score is nothing at all.

However, after they killed seventy shoots, the group of people panicked.

They found that after they killed fifty shoots, for every shoot that they killed, the deducted score increased from ten to one hundred.

They have the intention to give up, and plan to stop paying attention to these shoots, thinking that as long as the shoots are not killed, they will not be deducted points.

It turns out that they were too simple to think. They gave up the score and dropped faster, and were deducted at 500 points per second.

Can't give up, have to bite the bullet and continue.

Now, the jade talisman in the hands of the master of the Yan domain has become negative four thousand five hundred points.

"Domain master, it's no way to continue like this."

The tribesmen watched the diminishing scores in the jade talisman, their eyes jumped.

They don't know what the score is, but of course the more the score, the better.

"What are you afraid of? We are no match for the Black Dragon clan in this test, but we are definitely better than the Snow Territory Lord and those outsiders."

There was also a brief panic in the master of the flame region, and then she immediately became confident when she saw the place where the master of the snow region Feng Yunqi and others passed.

"Look carefully. The places where the Snow Sinner and the untouchables pass by are all withered plants. They also failed to make the shoots grow smoothly. They have killed hundreds of shoots, and they only deducted points. Will be more than us, what are we afraid of."

"Lord Yan domain said it right."

Everyone followed the gaze of Yan Yuyu, their complexions improved.

They can't give up, as long as the speed of deciphering the special rune is a little slower, and the speed of killing the buds is slower than that of the snow master and the group of untouchables.

As for the Black Dragon family, they are not in their comparison.

The Black Dragon clan is fighting for the Sun Cyclone, no matter how good the score is, it will have no effect on Jun Mohuang and the white-clothed girl competing for the Sun Cyclone.

As long as their scores are higher than that of the Snow Region Lord, they can maintain the advantage of the girl in white.

Obviously, the people of the Flame Territory Lord and others thought that the plants that died automatically after the results of the Snow Territory Lord Feng Yunqi were all caused by failure.

The Heilong clan concentrates on looking for a few growing buds that only need fire and thunder, and they don't care to see the flame domain master and others.

The three teams each focus on what is in their own hands.

An hour later, Feng Yunqi, the lord of the Snow Territory, and the others had a great time collecting the fruits. The light and shadow turned before their eyes. When they came back to their senses, they had already arrived outside the canyon. Jun Mohuang and the girl in white were there Ahead of them.

Make up the three chapters owed last night. I wish you all a happy 520 and good afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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