Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3057: The brain hole is big and cute

Chapter 3057 The brain hole is so big and cute

They watched Jun Mohuang's appearance and manners, and they couldn't help feeling close and admiring her.

I couldn't help being overjoyed, the domain master's persistence was not wrong, the white-clothed woman was indeed a fake.

"Goddess, your subordinates have responded to your call!"

Behind the subordinates of Xueyu's master, the rank 7 people came forward and saluted Jun Mohuang respectfully.

Different from the Snow Territory Lord’s subordinates, they confirmed the identity of the Lord Goddess Mo Phoenix according to the order of the Snow Territory Lord. They had already identified her as early as when she took the initiative to resurrect the foreign cultivator.

Only the goddess can do this to revive practitioners outside the territory!

They saw the girl in white and automatically judged the girl in white as a fake.

"By the way, Goddess, how do you distribute these mature god-level spirit fruits?"

Several leading seventh-order clansmen took out several space rings and opened them, waiting respectfully for Jun Mohuang to give instructions.

Several people opened the space ring, and immediately there were bursts of god-level spiritual fruit smelling.

"Keep your eyes wide open and take a good look. This is the goddess approved by Huang Yu Palace, not the woman you approved!"

The Lord of the Flame Region was furious. No wonder the god-level spirit fruit particles were not harvested this year, and they were all taken away by these traitors.

However, this group of Tier 7 clansmen turned a deaf ear to the words of the Flame Domain Master, and still looked at Jun Mohuang expectantly.

"You and the subordinates of the Snow Territory Master can take it all, and you don't need to share it with others."

Jun Mohuang had never summoned these people at all. She saw the god-level spirit fruit in it through the space ring, and instantly understood what was going on.

When Canaan’s underground palace was born, until the yin-qi breath leaked out, it was absorbed by the god-level spiritual fruit tree, transforming energy, and ripening the god-level spiritual fruit that would mature in the next year.

The god-level spirit fruit tree absorbed the breath of the yin, and the life span of this group of seventh-order clansmen was no longer scarce, so they released them.

This group of people can think of this matter to her, and I have to say that the brains are big and cute.

"This yin and yang picture is not just a picture. The black area represents the attribute of yin. After you take the god-level spirit fruit, you can refining it in the black area for better results."

"Xie Goddess for guidance!"

The subordinates of the Snow Territory Lord are overjoyed with the seventh-order clansmen, and the seventh-order clansmen distribute god-level spirit fruits according to the instructions of Jun Mohuang.

The heart of Yan Territory Lord was bleeding, how could these god-level spirit fruits be wasted to the group of pauper subordinates of Snow Territory Lord and this group of lower-level clansmen of rank 7?

It is a pity that she expressed several objections, and these people completely ignored her.

Being in the Yin-Yang map, the Flame Territory Master was unable to attack these tribesmen, and naturally he couldn't stop them from distracting spirit fruit.

The flame domain master had to look at the girl in white as if asking for help.

The girl in white has turned black.

"Stop! This gentleman orders you to stop! This gentleman is your goddess, not this woman!"

She didn't expect that she had already been recognized by Huang Yu Palace, and some people still did not recognize her.

Like the flame domain master, the white-clothed girl's command was completely ignored.

After Snow Territory Lord's subordinates got the god-level spirit fruit, they were already in tears.

They had never eaten such a big and sweet god-level god-level spirit fruit, and without asking, they knew that this was the ghost of the flame domain master before.

The Snow Territory Lord’s subordinates had no time to glared at the Flame Territory Lord, and after serving the god-level spirit fruit, they moved to the black area with the seventh-order clansmen, preparing to meditate and refine the god-level spirit fruit.

They are at the junction of black and white areas. After serving the god-level spirit fruit, they can walk in a small area, just to meditate in the black area.

(End of this chapter)

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