Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3050: Transparent people plucking

Chapter 3050 Transparent People Plucking Hair

Di Lingtian raised his hand to take the jade symbol, injected vitality, and quickly browsed all the information inside.

As an unparalleled talisman in the world, Emperor Lingtian has strong mental power, and it is trivial to remember him.

In a few seconds, Emperor Lingtian would remember all the information in the jade charm.

With a pinch of his slender jade-like fingers, the jade charm turned into powder in the hands of Emperor Lingtian.

Feng Yunqi and the others did not remember the contents of the jade talisman as fast as Emperor Lingtian, and they were still struggling to remember.

Such important information must be destroyed immediately after being remembered.

Otherwise, it will become a great weapon for the enemy if it falls into the hands of the enemy.

The Snow Territory master held the jade talisman, and when he saw the information in the jade talisman, he took a breath and couldn't conceal the astonishment on his face.

The little dragon dragon mentioned by Xiao Haitang is the only black dragon veteran of the black dragon clan, and he knows no less secrets of the dragon clan than the dragon emperor, and even the secrets that the dragon emperor does not know, the black dragon veteran knows.

Even if the Black Dragon Venerable has a master and servant blood contract with the little princess, these secrets are protected by the master and servant blood contract.

It is really not easy for the little princess to pry the black dragon's mouth open in this situation.

After the Snow Territory Master was surprised, he began to go all out to memorize the contents of the jade talisman.

The palace was quiet.

Back in time, when Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian were teleported to the Tai Chi Yin-Yang map, in a corner of the depths of the Canaan Underground Palace, a colorful little phoenix threw its wings excitedly and flew up and down with a crisp sound. Fengming said.

"Great, mother is here at last, mother, baby waited so hard for you!"

Little Phoenix stopped after expressing enough excitement in her heart, and her eyes suddenly became teary.

It was really miserable during this period of time. First, a woman pretended to be a mother, and it and Zhi Yin Cyclone were almost caught by the Emperor Wuming.

Fortunately, it found Jun Mohuang, and after listening to Jun Mohuang's words, it came to the land of Canaan with the most negative cyclone.

Little Phoenix had planned to randomly set up an eye-catching method in Canaan, hiding and waiting for the arrival of Jun Mohuang, who would have flew into Canaan, and was caught by a large hand of vitality into the underground palace.

It was dark and dilapidated. Little Phoenix lost her freedom. She was confined in this palace together with Zhi Yin cyclone, and could not get in touch with Jun Mohuang.

Little Phoenix was worried, always worried that the big hand would **** it to Yin Qi.

This will finally sense the breath of Jun Mohuang, like a lost child meeting his mother.

Little Phoenix flapped its wings, following Jun Mohuang's breath, he was going to find her immediately.

The little phoenix flew into the palace, and was slapped to the ground by a large hand of vitality, and a few colorful feathers floated in the air.

The vitality hand dissipated, and a man of vitality condensed appeared in the air.

Even if the human figure condensed by vitality is transparent, it is vaguely visible that the man has a handsome appearance and a noble bearing, and a golden rune on his coat is the only color on his body.

Little Phoenix hurriedly caught a few feathers and inserted them back into his body.

Oh my god, its feathers weren't all the same. The big bad guy also patted its feathers off. What if my mother saw it and thought it was ugly and didn't like it!

"Bad guy, you stopped me from going out again! Wait, when my mother arrives, my mother will want you to look good!"

Little Phoenix was wronged, it couldn't beat this transparent person, so it had to use Jun Mohuang to support itself.

It was this transparent person who pulled it and the Zhiyin cyclone into the underground palace, where they were imprisoned.

"Waiting at any time."

There was a sneer on the lips of the transparent man, "You try to escape again, be careful that there is no feather left."

(End of this chapter)

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