Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3047: Call of the goddess

Chapter 3047 The Call of the Goddess

At the entrance of the abyss, fire-colored magma raged.

The Canaan Underground Palace community did not know when it changed into a Tai Chi Yin and Yang pattern, suspended in a sea of ​​magma fire.

One black and one white, with obvious partitions.

In the white area, a black spot emerges.

In the black area, a white dot emerges.

The emperor Wuming who came here one after another, the Nine Feathers Flame Phoenix Clan, the Black Dragon Clan and others saw this, and their faces appeared ecstatic.

Black dots and white dots are the locations of the most yin and most yang cyclones.

The two atmospheres are indeed here!

After confirming this, everyone ignored the lava raging in the abyss and jumped into the abyss.

The above-mentioned people were not the only ones who were alarmed by the birth of Canaan's underground palace.

In the territory of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix, in the ground beneath the god-level spirit fruit trees, the seventh-tier cultivators of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan who were practicing in retreat were shocked and awakened.

They were underground, the ground was shaking, and the mud fell on these people's faces.

These people looked confused and didn't know what happened.

The yin breath poured into the god-level spirit fruit forest and was absorbed by the god-level spirit fruit forest.

The thumb-sized green fruits on the branches are nourished by the breath, swelling and becoming larger, but in a few seconds they completely turn red and mature, and the most attractive fruity fragrance diffuses.

As soon as the god-level spirit fruit matured, the roots that entangled the people and sucked life as a nutrient were loosened, and the roots were arched and sent to the ground.

With a few bangs, the roots of the trees covered the opened soil again, and went into the ground and disappeared.

These seventh-order cultivators were all soiled, standing under the tree covered with red god-level spirit fruits and continued to be dazed.

Obviously their energy to attack the god-level spirit fruit tree is not enough, and they don't even reach 1%. How did they get driven out? Also, why did these god-level spirit fruits suddenly become ripe again?

"The land of Canaan... This must be the goddess calling us!"

Someone was the first to recover from the consternation, and immediately discovered the direction from which the Yin cyclone breath came.

"Yes, it must be so!"

If all this weren't the work of Jun Mohuang, how could they get away so quickly.

"No, I am afraid that the goddess and Cyclone are in trouble, let's go to the land of Canaan!"

Once these seventh-tier cultivators determined that this was the work of Jun Mohuang, their expressions changed drastically.

Collect all the god-level spirit fruits at the fastest speed, reveal their true body, and rush to the land of Canaan.

The outermost virgin forest outside God's domain.

Zhao Wuxing took all the foreign cultivators who had been resurrected by Jun Mohuang after a trek, and finally came to the edge of the primeval forest.

These resurrected extraterritorial cultivators are still naive and ignorant, with a blank sheet of paper, and some even don't even know how to put their best moves in the past.

Thanks to Jun Mohuang's road map, they can come to the edge safely.

Zhao Wuxing was about to lead everyone around Luancheng's turbulent flow, the Canaan Underground Palace was born and the entire virgin forest shook violently, and the forest beasts screamed in horror, scurrying like headless flies.

No matter how much effort these monsters expend, they will never leave the primeval forest.

"Sir, what happened, is Miss Jun in danger? No, we are going to save her."

The sudden chaos caused these outsiders to panic.

They were indeed a blank piece of paper, because Jun Mohuang saved them, and Jun Mohuang held a very high status in their hearts.

And because Jun Mohuang asked them to obey the orders of Zhao Wuxing, Zhao Wuxing held a high position in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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