Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3017: The prison of two races

Chapter 3017 The Cage of the Two Clans

They even have an illusion that as long as Di Lingtian continues, they will definitely be able to comprehend the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Unfortunately, this wonderful process only lasted fifteen seconds.

Fifteen seconds later, millions of fantastic and magnificent runes entered the jade talisman like a fish.

The original blank jade talisman vibrated, and strange and complex golden dark lines appeared, which fell into Jun Mohuang's hands.

Jun Mohuang took the jade symbol in his hand, wrapped his other hand in the air, and drew out a few golden lines to bury them in the jade symbol, fusing them with the golden dark lines.

Jun Mohuang raised his hand at will and threw the jade talisman at the feet of the people of the Purple Misty Sect.

The jade talisman fell to pieces and turned into a light curtain, and the people of the Purple Misty Sect disappeared in this flowing light curtain.

"This is... this is..."

This is a teleportation array that can penetrate the barrier of God's Domain!

The Snow Territory Lord covered his mouth, but the shock in his eyes couldn't hide it.

The Divine Realm Enchantment is not only the privileged protective barrier of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, but also the prison of the two clans.

Before the enchantment of the gods is opened automatically, even if the goddess monarch and the dragon king join hands, they cannot break the enchantment and leave.

Only when the goddess, the dragon, and the black dragon disappeared at the same time was an exception.

And now Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian joined forces, and they could easily send out people from outside the territory!

Although it is the periphery of God's Domain, it is also seven or eight thousand miles away from the barrier of God's Domain. The teleportation range of the two together is so far. These circumstances are far beyond the expectations of the Snow Domain Master.

Maybe, maybe it's because these cultivators themselves are outsiders, so it's easy to achieve.

The Snow Territory Master thought so in order to make things understand by himself.

Feng Yunqi and others are not surprised at this.

The Emperor Mohuang will teleport, and the Emperor Ling Tian Talisman is unparalleled in the world. They just combined their will into a jade talisman and used it for the people of the Purple Mi Sect. What's so fuss about.

Zhao Wuxing still stood there mechanically, still not recovering from the shock.

Jun Mohuang said lightly: "Let's go."

Here the matter is over, there are still many god-level spiritual fruit forests in the territory of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan.

The cultivators from outside the territories who were killed as nourishment were not the only group of Divine Purple Sect.

Emperor Mohuang Emperor Ling Tian and his party disappeared, leaving only five people in black tightly bound by the roots of the god-level spirit fruit tree.

The roots of the spirit fruit tree seemed to sense the departure of Jun Mohuang, and the ground was surging like the sea, and the soil separated automatically, forming a big pit.

The roots twisted, dragging the five people into the pit.

The ground surging again, the mud automatically buried the five people.

The ground was level again, and the vegetation grew wildly, covering up all traces, and even the breath of the five people was completely isolated and covered.

The god-level spirit fruit forest returned to its previous appearance, as if nothing happened.

Five men in black were buried in the pit, swallowed by the boundless darkness.

The lives that were passing by, and seeing the methods used by Jun Mohuang, only fear and awe were left in the hearts of the five.

"What to do, brother, I don't want to be trapped here!"

The mentality of the poorest people has begun to collapse.

"What are you afraid of? The goddess once said that we can regain our freedom by returning the energy of the god-level spirit fruit that we have consumed over the years."

"What's more, the life span of our Nine Feathered Flame Phoenix clan is endless. Although our life span is constantly passing by, it has no substantial impact on us. It just loses hundreds of years of freedom."

"After a few hundred years, we will be able to pay it back, and then we will pass."

(End of this chapter)

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