Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3011: The **** truth

Chapter 3011 The Bloody Truth

"This time the nourishment is good, so don't worry about the nourishment of this god-level spiritual fruit tree for the next five hundred years!"

The five men in black were attracted by the scent of the god-level spirit fruit, and stood under the fruit forest, tusk-tsk praise.

"Hmph, these untouchables, even thinking that we will save them, do not know where they are confident."

"Hahaha, they don't know yet, they are just the nourishment for our Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan to breed god-level spirit fruits."

"It's a pity that the nourishment provided by these extraterritorial untouchables can only last for five hundred years. It would be great if these extraterritorial untouchables can enter the realm of God anytime and anywhere, then we will have countless nourishment."

"Yes, the pedigree of the untouchables outside the territories is low, and they use their flesh and blood, lifespan, and spirits as nourishment, but it is quite good. It is a pity that the Divine Realm enchantment opens once a thousand years, and only then will we let them enter the experience."

"Otherwise, there are so many untouchables outside the region. Using high-quality training resources can pile up a lot of good nourishment..."

The five men in black talked about two god-level spirit fruits, and then began to talk about nourishment.

The Divine Realm barrier opens once a thousand years, and it is the choice of the Divine Realm barrier itself, beyond the control of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix and Black Dragon clan.

When the barrier of God's Domain is not open, the two clans cannot go out, nor can they bring in people from outside the domain.

Not far from the five people, the feeling in Zhao Wuxing's heart can no longer be described as creepy.

The high-quality cultivation resources found by the people of the Purple Mi Shenzong in the periphery of God's Domain before are just nourishment for cultivating high-quality nourishment.

It was this group of people in God's Domain that deliberately let them get so many high-quality cultivation resources, and then they waited for the pig to grow fat before killing.

It's no wonder that they hadn't seen a god-level spirit fruit at all on the way before, nor encountered any danger.

God-level spirit fruit is the cultivation resource most cherished by this group of people in God's Domain.

This group of them is the nourishment of the Nine Feathered Flame Phoenix Clan, and the Nine Feathered Flame Phoenix Clan will naturally not let them encounter danger or suffer damage.

Although Zhao Wuxing had long suspected that this god-level spirit fruit forest was a trap of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, he did not expect that the truth would be the case.

These extraterritorial untouchables are not people at all, but a bunch of high-quality nutrients.

Even as soon as God's Domain opens for a thousand years, the so-called letting people from outside the domain enter the God's Domain for experience is a complete scam!

It's no wonder that those who leave God's Domain after a thousand years have the highest strength only at the early stage of the eighth stage of the Primordial God Realm, and the number is pitifully small.

Because, more and stronger powerhouses have become the nourishment of god-level spirit fruit.

In order to prevent the people outside from doubting, the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan and the Black Dragon clan deliberately left some alive, trying to erase their memories.

Suddenly prying into the greatest secret of the so-called God's Domain experience, Zhao Wuxing's heart is shaken, cold sweat again and again.

In addition to being afraid, there was even more anger in his heart.

"It's in vain that our cultivators from outside the territory respect the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan and call you the Lords of Heaven. You actually regard human life as grass mustard and use this **** and poisonous method."

"You, don't deserve the respect of our cultivators outside the territory!"

The Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan and the Black Dragon clan are aloof, their faces are immortal for life, and they have an endless life span. They are the true gods on the true gods continent.

The two tribes open the Divine Realm every thousand years, allowing practitioners from outside the realm to experience the Divine Realm, allowing practitioners to use the many resources in the Divine Realm to benefit those who are outside the realm. The reputation of the two tribes outside the realm is very high.

(End of this chapter)

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