Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2974: This woman is crazy

Chapter 2974 This woman is crazy

But entering will really kill people, there is no return.

The three elders all thought that Jun Mohuang was looking down on the formation of a new Shenzong at a young age, so they wanted to choose the death entrance to get everyone's attention.

This is totally arrogant.

The three elders kindly told Jun Mohuang what was going on at the entrance of death, hoping she could change her mind.

"Thanks to the three seniors for reminding me that I have decided that I will not choose the non-death entrance."

Unfortunately, Jun Mohuang was very persistent.

"Oh, okay, this is the jade medal for the death entrance, young girl, take it. You only choose the death entrance, so your Shenzong automatically gets the first place to enter through the death entrance."

One of the three elders took out a jade card with the words "Dead One" engraved on it, representing the specific entrance and order of entry.

The competition for the entry order has not yet begun, and there has been a first occurrence, and those present do not envy Jun Mohuang's first.

Who would be envious of a person seeking a dead end, this woman is really crazy.

"Thank you three seniors."

When Jun Mohuang was about to catch the jade card, a proud voice suddenly remembered.

"Wait. She is the only candidate for the entrance to death this time. This suzerain changed his mind. The Yunyin Divine Sect gave up the five-star entrance this time and entered God's Domain from the entrance of death.

"Who will get the first entrance to death is yet to be known."

The Sect Master Yunyin stepped out and stood between Jun Mohuang and the three elders, with sharp eyes like eagle eyes, sweeping towards Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian.

Jun Mohuang frowned slightly, and he was rather unhappy with Sect Master Yun Yin's interruption.

The Sect Master always paid attention to her expression, saw her frowning, and smiled coldly in her heart. This woman couldn't help but see that the benefits she could swallow were about to be robbed.

The words of the Sect Master Yunyin were no less than dropping a nuclear or bomb on the scene.

"My God, I really heard it right, the Yunyin Sect also chose the death entrance!"

"You heard that right, Shenzong Yunyin did choose the entrance to death."

"This... how is this possible! What exactly does the Yunyin Sect want to do?!"

In order to create a sensation deliberately, a woman who doesn't understand anything deliberately chooses the entrance of death, they can barely understand.

As one of the three great gods, it is impossible not to know the true power of the death portal.

The actions of the Sect Master Yunyin were completely incomprehensible.

"My lord, you..."

Not only the others, but the disciples of Shenzong Yunyin were all dumbfounded.

Several disciples were about to step forward to dissuade them, but the lord's arm raised, and all their dissuade words were directly pressed into the throat.

"Sect Master Yunyin, are you really sure?"

The three elders frowned slightly. The three were highly respected hermits on the True God Continent. They hosted more than ten entrance competitions in the valley and claimed to be knowledgeable.

The three of them had never seen a situation in which people were rushing to enter the entrance of death like today.

"Well, since the lord insists on doing this, then this is the jade card for the entrance to death."

The three elders quickly calmed down and gave a jade medal representing the entrance to death to Sect Master Yunyin.

Sect Master Yunyin also returned the jade medals representing the five-star entrance he obtained earlier to the three elders.

Jun Mohuang frowned tightly, and Sect Master Yun Yin's actions seemed to arouse her very dissatisfaction.

"Because there are two Shenzongs who chose the entrance of death this time, they also need to compete. The old man officially announced that the contest officially started."

(End of this chapter)

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