Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2969: Death portal

Chapter 2969 Death Entrance

"Hey, this lord, you don't know anything. In fact, the lowest-level and most terrifying entrance is not the one-star entrance, but the death entrance."

"The entrance to death, together with the one to five-star entrance, constitutes six levels of entrance."

The young man smiled, his tone suddenly became extremely mysterious when he talked about the entrance to death.

"The entrance to death, this name is a bit interesting."

The light in Jun Mohuang's eyes turned slightly, and he was completely excited about what he thought of.

"Sir, please don't laugh, the godsong who entered the gods from the entrance of death in the past have all disappeared and no longer exist. These disciples of the gods also died on the land of death after the entrance of death. No one knows these gods The reason for the whole annihilation."

"Because of this reason, that death entrance has become a taboo, and no Shenzong is willing to choose death entrance."

When the young man talked about the entrance to death, his expression turned pale.

"No one knows, I am afraid it is not the case."

The corner of Jun Mohuang's lips clicked, and two green god-level spirit fruits appeared in her hands.

This person just talked about the entrance to death, in addition to fear, he was clearly mixed with a look of hesitation.

This look was fleeting, but Jun Mohuang keenly caught it.

"My lord, I do know that you must never tell anyone, this is what I told you."

"The Shenzong disciples who entered the entrance to death were not annihilated by the entire army. One disciple walked out of the land of death alive and became the only survivor."

"Unfortunately, when the man escaped from the land of death, he was already unconscious. It is said that the land of death can suppress the strength of the cultivator. Everyone enters, and his strength drops sharply. It is said that he fell directly below the original spirit.

"There are also extremely fierce monsters in the land of death. Most of the brothers and elders in his clan died on the spot. He regained some strength after eating a red wild fruit while fleeing, and managed to escape."

"This lucky person was too irritated and died within a few days. Therefore, many things have not been clearly stated. Everyone only knows this general idea."

"This is something that happened 50,000 or 60,000 years ago. Since this incident, everyone will not go to the death channel after being killed."

When the young man was telling all this, his expression suddenly became mysterious.

In order to keep it secret, he used all the following words to tell Jun Mohuang in secret.

"This incident was also found by me reading the secret jade amulet in the Zongnei Collection Library in violation of the rules. Don't tell me your lord."

After speaking, the young man was very uneasy and told Jun Mohuang again, his eyes were all placed on the two god-level spirit fruits in her hands.

If he hadn't needed a breakthrough before entering the realm of God, he wouldn't risk telling this secret.

"Don't worry, I won't say. Come on, take these three god-level spirit fruits, thank you for the information."

Jun Mohuang raised his small hand, and the two god-level spirit fruits drew a blue arc in the air.

No one noticed that a subtle golden rune, a translucent power of induction, had been attached to the two spirit fruits.

The young man hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch it. At the moment when he caught the spirit fruit, the golden rune and the power of induction entered the young man's body.

The young man was stunned for an instant holding the spirit fruit.

The golden runes and the power of induction were intertwined in the young man's body, and the scenery in front of Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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