Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2956: My life blood, stop, stop!

Chapter 2956 My life essence, stop, stop!

He hides well, and it is impossible for them to find him.

This woman must have been observing the environment, just unconsciously looking in the direction of his hiding.

The feeling that scared him just now must be the pressure from other things nearby.

No, it is not safe here.

When the big disciple Minghui successfully obtained the blood of this group of ants, he must take everyone away immediately.

Twenty six powerhouses in the Yuanshen realm, dealing with a hundred Yuanshen realm Tier 4 ants, is just a matter of a few moves.

"No! This... how is this possible!"

The fourth elder had just passed this thought in his mind, and immediately opened a pair of muddy old eyes.

A thousand meters ahead, in the melee between Minghui Shenzong and Feng Yunqi, the facts were not easily resolved by raising their hands, as Minghui Shenzong expected.

In less than half a minute, the two sides had already made hundreds of moves.

Feng Yunqi and the others became more brave as they fought, and their fighting spirit became stronger.

All the disciples of the Shenzong Minghui never thought that Feng Yunqi and others would be so powerful in combat. In shock, the rhythm was disrupted and they had already begun to rush.

"Brothers, pay attention!"

Even if the senior brother shouted loudly, it failed to restore the decline of Minghui Shenzong's battle. As time passed, the disciples of Minghui Shenzong became more and more unhelpful.

"No, these people are weird!"

Jiang was still hot, and the four elders hiding in the tree immediately realized that something was wrong.

The fourth-order of the ordinary Yuanshen realm had no such combat power at all.

The four elders were about to take action. In the distance, Di Ling's **** eyes flickered, and his fingertips shot a few golden runes.

An invisible force immediately fixed the body of the four elders on the spot.

Above the big tree, the four elders opened their mouths wide, with one foot maintaining the forward position, motionless like a puppet.

Next to Di Lingtian, Jun Mohuang's lips lightly twitched.

Sure enough, her family Ling Tian knew her, and she had rare combat experience. She would never allow anyone to destroy everyone's combat opportunities.

Twenty minutes later, twenty disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect, including the senior brother, knelt on the ground in embarrassment, and there was a blood hole in everyone's heart.

There was blood trickling in the blood hole, drips of natal blood gushing out of the wound, accurately dripping into the white jade bottle.

"My life blood, stop, stop!"

The big brother and all the disciples of the Minghui Divine Sect were pale, and their lips were bloodless.

With the passing of drops of natal blood, the life energy in their bodies also gradually passed away.

If this situation is allowed to go on, when their natural blood is exhausted, it is when they die.

"Aren't you wanting your life's blood? We are kindly helping you to get it. Do you know whether it's good or bad, and you want us to stop!"

It is the old turtle who is responsible for collecting the blood of the big brother.

The corners of the old turtle's lips twitched, revealing a slightly wretched smile, stretched out his paw and pressed it on the wound of the big brother, the speed of the blood dripping into the loss quickly increased.

"Who are you guys and what are you coming from! You will not end well if you provoke us Minghui Divine Sect!"

The big brother's face is like white paper, his life essence and blood flow faster, as strong as him, and the whole person is trembling.

"Who are we? You need the essence and blood of your life, we will help you get it, of course we are good people who help others."

Old Turtle's words, he almost fainted the big brother.

This group of people, inverting right and wrong, is simply hateful!

"Damn it, you group of ants, dare to insult this sect disciple like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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