Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2952: The same feeling

The same feeling in Chapter 2952

This number of god-level spirit fruits can only be found in God's Domain.

"This is how to do!"

The two elders were also the two great powers of the Minghui Shenzong, now being injured, it is equivalent to weakening the Minghui Shenzong's overall combat effectiveness.

The virgin forest is full of Shenzong from all over the mainland, which is extremely dangerous, and the overall combat effectiveness is weakened, which is very detrimental to Minghui Shenzong.

After discussing for a long while, the people of Minghui Shenzong decided to let the sect master and one of the elders of the seventh-tier mid-level of the Yuanshen realm stay to look after the two injured elders.

One day later, meet here.

One of the teams is all young disciples of the Minghui Shenzong, and the big brother is impressively listed.

"Ming Hui, besides looking for a god-level spirit fruit this time, your most important task is to find Wuyue. Calculating the time, he should also take the Wuyue Divine Sect through Luancheng turbulence and reach the edge of the primeval forest."

The Sovereign gave routine instructions to the senior brother before setting off.

"Yes, please rest assured, Lord Sect Master, the disciple must complete the task, find Sect Master Yue, and bring him."

The big brother has inherited the name of Minghui Shenzong and is the next generation of Minghui Shenzong.

He also knew the relationship between the Sect Master of the Moonless God Sect and his own Sect Master.

"Go ahead."

The elder brother respectfully respected, and after saluting the suzerain, he left with a group of young disciples and disappeared among the green trees.

The people of Minghui Shenzong don't worry about the safety of senior brothers and others at all.

The direction from which the Moonless God Sect came was from Luancheng.

The divine sects in that direction are all small divine sects, their strength is not very good, and it is not a big threat at all.

What's more, this time the Sect Master sent an elder in the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Primordial God Realm to secretly protect it.

The strength of this small team of Big Brother has already surpassed the small Shenzong that passed through the Luancheng turbulent flow.

Minghui Shenzong is so famous that no one dares to mess with it.

However, it turns out that this group of people's ideas were very wrong.

Six hours later, Feng Yunqi and others retreat.

What Jun Mohuang chose for everyone was the largest vitality cyclone nearby, and the cyclone was originally filled with white mist.

At this moment, the ubiquitous white mist had all been absorbed by Feng Yunqi and others.

The people sitting on the ground with their eyes closed opened their eyes at the same time, and a very special energy wave spread from their bodies.

This is the unique energy fluctuation after the use of god-level spirit fruit cultivation.

"how about it."

Jun Mohuang raised her eyebrows, she knew that without asking her, seeing everyone's eyes shining, she knew the effect was good.

"It's great, Master, my strength hasn't broken through, but my body's vitality is solid, no longer vain and weak, and the control of the body's vitality has gone up a step, and my spiritual consciousness is more sensitive!"

Lord Yinyue was full of excitement.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we feel the same way too."

Lord Yinyue spoke first, and then everyone chatted about their changes.

Increased control of the body's vitality means stronger attack power and stronger fighting energy.

The more keen sense of spirit means that their ability to predict during the battle is strengthened, and they can more accurately predict what actions the opponent will take next, so as to prepare in advance.

The changes brought about by these god-level spirit fruits are subtle, but they are all very important.

If there were more god-level spirit fruits, they would still have a breakthrough in strength.

But everyone saw that Jun Mohuang needed a lot of mental energy to find these spirit fruits, and he didn't say this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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