Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2950: Beloved wife

Chapter 2950

"Since you don't want it, then forget it. These god-level spirit fruits are not very good. They don't even have elemental attributes, and don't want to fall into the hands of others and ruin them."

Jun Mohuang touched his chin and looked at the verdant spirit fruit on the tree, quite disgusted.

"No, no, boss, we didn't mean that, we want, we want!"

Feng Yunqi and others were almost crying.

I look down on these spirit fruits and say that they are broken spirit fruits, not to mention that they should be destroyed directly. Their boss is really willful.

And the emperor also did not stop her, but the eyes were extremely spoiled.

Forget it, the emperor has always been a spoiled wife, and they can't expect Emperor Lingtian to change his **** for 30 spiritual fruits.

They eat, can't they eat!

Thirty spiritual fruits, one per person is not enough.

Everyone discussed a few words, and after several pushes, gave the spirit fruit to the Mo people first.

The god-level spirit fruit and god-level medicinal materials are already at the highest level and cannot be upgraded by the mirror world.

Mo Xi, Mo Yaxi and others carefully took off the spirit fruit and put it in a cold jade box for storage. Jun Mohuang led everyone to continue to shuttle through the virgin forest.

A god-level spirit fruit that can't be found on the true **** continent, but a lot of them in the primeval forest.

With the blessing of Jun Mohuang's eyes, everyone gains slowly.

In just half a day, they had harvested thousands of god-level spirit fruits, with an average of about ten in their hands.

Feng Yunqi and the others were amazed from the beginning, but now they are used to it.

Harvesting a thousand in half a day, the god-level spirit fruit in their eyes has become as rotten as the top grade spar vein.

Seeing that the number was almost the same, Jun Mohuang took everyone to a cyclone where a large gathering of vitality was made, and asked everyone to meditate and refine a god-level spirit fruit.

The heaven and earth vitality content in the god-level spirit fruit is amazing, but very delicate.

Can not withstand the delay space is different from the normal space time flow rate, must be refining in the normal time and space flow rate.

The vitality content of this virgin forest world is pure and rich, and the air is all white mist formed by the condensation of vitality.

White fog often gathers in various places in the virgin forest, forming a unique cyclone.

The Yuanqi Cyclone is not only suitable for spiritual fruit growth, but also the best place for cultivation.

What Jun Mohuang found for everyone this time was the largest vitality cyclone in this area.

With Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang there, there is no need to worry about safety.

Everyone subdued all the god-level spirit fruits in one breath and began to sit and refine.

Outside the virgin forest, hundreds of miles away from where Jun Mohuang and others were, the people of the Minghui Divine Sect were stationed in one of the small Yuanqi cyclones.

Unlike the small sect of Godless Sect, Minghui Sect belongs to the medium-sized sect, and there are more than 20 people in the sect who have obtained access to the **** domain.

Counting the other accompanying people, the number of Minghui Shenzong has reached more than 60 people.

In the white mist of vitality, more than sixty cultivators are distributed according to their strengths, sitting in it, greedily absorbing and refining the heaven and earth vitality in the vitality.

The strongest is the Sect Master of Minghui Shenzong, the powerhouse of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen Realm.

The suzerain sits in the middle, occupying the most advantageous position.

Next to the lord, there are six Yuanshen realm seventh-stage mid-stage powerhouses and ten Yuanshen realm seventh-stage early-stage strongmen sitting cross-legged.

Obviously, these people are the core strength of Minghui Divine Sect.

The remaining cultivators have strengths ranging from the early stage to the late stage of the sixth-order Yuanshen realm.

This vitality cyclone is not big, the vitality content is low, and the Minghui Shenzong has a large number of people. The vitality in the vitality cyclone was absorbed by them in just half an hour.

Today is updated...

Thank you for looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. , Cheng Jiao, who took Yi, and other babies' rewards.

I have been outside during the day, and there will be two chapters tonight, and I will post tomorrow, right?

(End of this chapter)

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