Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2946: Di Lingtian's gift

Chapter 2946 Di Lingtian's gift

Next to Jun Mohuang, in the black dragon soul fire, Di Lingtian slowly opened his eyes.

The **** eyes looked even more bloodthirsty in the black and gold colors.

"Idiot, what are you still trying to do? Go!"

The attack failed, and the black dragon had no time to think about why. He grabbed Luo Chen and wanted to escape a thousand times the delay.

"Whether to go, the two gave us a brand new attacking technique for our husband and wife. It is never too late to try."

Jun Mohuang slowly stood up, and the colorful fire of all elements suddenly shrank to the size of a fingernail, and she was sucked into the center of her eyebrows.

With a flick of the sleeves of Jun Mohuang's sleeves, a group of more dazzling and bright light came out, which was purer and more powerful than the all-element attack from Luo Chen's burning soul.

"no no……"

Luo Chen's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Before he could escape, he was hit by the All Elemental Light Group.


The soul-shaped Luo Chen let out a scream, and when he was hit by the all-element light group, he immediately exploded, and the colorful fluorescence flickered in the air.

Heilong has no time to save Luo Chen, and its current state is not much better than Luo Chen.

Just when Jun Mohuang took the initiative to absorb Luo Chen's all-element attack and turned it into his own use, the dragon soul fire covering Di Lingtian's body instantly shrank into a bean-sized point and was sucked into the center of his eyebrows by Di Lingtian.

With a flick of Di Lingtian's sleeves, a large amount of black and gold flames burst out of his palm.

The fire of the black and gold dragon soul is fierce and purer than the burning soul of the black dragon itself.

The black dragon, like Luo Chen, couldn't avoid it, was hit by the fire of the dragon soul, and instantly turned into a fireball.


In the successive screams, the pain of the soul being burned caused the black dragon to continuously roll on the ground, trying to extinguish the flame.

But under the severe pain, it forgot that the fire of the dragon soul is the result of the condensed energy of the sun, rolling on the ground, it is impossible to extinguish the fire of the dragon soul.

It wasn't until the black dragon soul was burned by the fire of the dragon soul that only a ray of soul remained, that Di Lingtian cancelled the fire of the dragon soul.

Heilong and Luo Chen collapsed to the ground in embarrassment, dying of torment by the two.

"Ling Tian, ​​is this the present you want to give me?"

Jun Mohuang spread out his small hands, and a group of colorful lights appeared in her plain palms.

The eight elements are intertwined and converge in the light cluster, and the power of the various elements reaches a perfect balance.

"Yes, how, Huang'er, like it or not."

Di Lingtian's beautifully shaped thin lips evoked a petting smile, and stretched out his hand to gently rub Jun Mohuang's long hair.

"Very good, I like it very much."

All-element attack is Luo Chen's unique knowledge.

Only by comprehending the power of the eight elements can this attack be launched.

In this state, she can easily learn how to handle it. In turn, this means that Jun Mohuang has fully understood the power of the eight elements.

Sitting still here, there is such a good thing, who doesn't like it.

" have not entered a deep-level cultivation state at all, you are not refining and absorbing the heaven and earth elemental currents at all, you two big liars!"

Hearing what the two said, Heilong finally realized what was going on. The two had clearly planned for a long time!

Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian did not enter a deep-level cultivation state at all, nor did they refining to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and their defenses were fully deployed. It was no different from Luo Chen's soul-burning attack on the two of them. .

Because their attacks are transformed by burning souls, it is easy for people to absorb their attacks and turn them into their own use.

(End of this chapter)

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