Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2943: One trick to kill

Chapter 2943: One Move Spike

On the huge black flying boat, only two Emperor Ling Tianjun Mohuang remained.

Jun Mohuang's hands were sealed, and between the slender ten fingers flipped, seven incomparable airflows of heaven and earth vitality flew out from the turbulence, like seven-headed flood dragons, passed through the safe passage and injected into the mirror world 800 times the delay space.

The Yuan Qi in the turbulent flow is the most auxiliary to cultivation, and Feng Yunqi and other talents have begun to retreat and have not yet entered a deep-level cultivation state.

They perceive the changes in the 800-delayed space, and are happy on the face, but their hearts are more calm, as quickly as they enter a deep-level cultivation state.

Jun Mohuang inadvertently raised his eyes, as if checking whether the safe passage was firm.

Seeing that group of surveillance formations that hover above their heads all the time, at an angle that the formations could not monitor, Jun Mohuang's eyes drooped, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

"Ling Tian, ​​with such good conditions, we should also cultivate."

"Okay, Huang'er."

Di Lingtian squeezed her little hand with one hand, and with a flick of her sleeves, seven or seventy-nine heaven and earth elementary air currents flew out of the turbulence and flew into the mirror world a thousand times the delay space.

Di Lingtian took the hand of Jun Mohuang, entered a thousand times delay space, and quickly entered a deep-level cultivation state.

The black flying boat became empty again.

Because of the energy injection of the but few spar veins, the safe passage began to collapse.

On the black flying boat, a large array of engraved golden runes emerged on the front deck.

A space ring is placed on every eye of the big formation.

The space ring is filled with high-grade spar veins.

The large array is brilliant and golden, running automatically, throwing high-grade spar veins into the turbulence according to a certain rhythm.

With new energy replenishment, the Enron channel was restored to stability, and the black flying boat safely and smoothly passed through the turbulence.

In the mirror world, it was quiet.

Everyone is busy practicing in retreat, and Xiao Haitang is no exception.

Since she was promoted two days ago, she has rested for a long time, holding the belief that she wants to become stronger and help her parents beat the bad guys, and once again enters the deep level of cultivation.

Inside the ring and bracelet on Xiao Haitang's small hand, Luo Chen and the black dragon in soul state floated out.

"The opportunity is finally here!"

If it wasn't for fear of awakening Xiao Haitang, the black dragon would almost laugh at the sky.

"Senior, are you sure there is no problem? Just now Di Lingtian easily killed the eight divine sect sect masters with a single move. His strength is probably not as simple as that of the late seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm."

When Luo Chen thought of everything he saw through the hidden surveillance array, he couldn't help feeling sore.

Eight Sect Masters, Seventh-Rank Masters of the Yuanshen Realm, and three of them were even stronger in the Middle Yuanshen Realm. Such a lineup is really rare on the True God Continent, and they were killed by Emperor Lingtian with a single move.

Luo Chen was very unwilling to envy and hate.

But in this state, he is still very cautious.

"What a quick kill, to increase the ambition of others, and destroy one's own prestige! It is clear that it was Emperor Lingtian who repelled the eight people with one move and used Luancheng's turbulence to kill the eight suzerains so quickly!"

Di Lingtian deliberately suppressed his strength to the middle stage of the seventh-order of the Yuanshen realm to let the eight great gods take the bait. This has deceived the eight great gods, but can't fool the black dragon.

"One move to defeat the eight powers below the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm. This is the combat power that the Yuanshen realm should have in the late stage of the seventh stage. Also, with the help of Emperor Lingtian just taken forty-nine heaven and earth yuan. The airflow means that he also only has the combat power of the seventh-stage late stage of the ordinary Yuanshen realm. You are overly cautious."

(End of this chapter)

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