Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2939: Automatic home

Chapter 2939 Automatic Door-to-door

Even the dragon scales covering the body are also transformed, the hardness and sharpness are not inferior to most of the metal ores on the True God Continent.

Even after leaving the safe passage, it shattered before it was really thrown into the turbulence, showing that the turbulence is indeed powerful.

"Everyone, in the turbulent flow here, the vitality of the heavens and the earth is also extremely abundant. Now we have so many top grade spar veins. After crossing this turbulent flow, we can advance to the fourth stage of the Primordial God Realm."

After going through the turbulence, their own strength plus the weapon bonus they possess can reach the fifth stage of the Primordial Divine Realm, and finally reach the minimum standard for the major divine sects to enter the Divine Realm.

Thinking of this, everyone is very happy.

They are crowded and have the same heart, even if they don't have the fighting power of the sixth-order of the Primordial God Realm for the time being, they enter the Gods Realm to unite with one or two Shenzong teams, and win without losing.

They finally started to stand alone, and finally were able to worry about Jun Mohuang and Di Ling's talents, which made everyone very happy.

But they were happy for less than three seconds, and Wu Qianyong suddenly frowned, very worried.

"We can indeed stand alone, but everyone, we have not yet entered the realm of God."

Wu Qianyong's words successfully reminded everyone of an important fact.

Yes, they have not yet obtained the credentials to enter God's Domain.

Historically, only Shenzong has this kind of credentials, and all of them add up to just over a hundred people.

No matter how strong Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian were, it would not be easy to get everyone's entry credentials.

Yes, they can indeed enter the God Realm through the Monarch Phoenix Mirror World without any proof at all.

But in the face of the more than one hundred people who suddenly appeared, the Black Dragon and Nine Feather Flame Phoenix were not fools, they would definitely notice.

They have been holding back the two for so long, and they have to find a way to obtain the credentials to enter the realm of God.

Just as everyone was preparing to conspire and discuss what to do, Jun Mohuang's soft voice rang in everyone's ears.

"What's the hurry, someone automatically brought things to the door."

Before everyone had time to think about what this sentence meant, behind the black flying boat, a wave of energy fluctuated.

Eight flying boats of different colors came quickly.

Standing on the highest deck of the flying boat, the eight Shenzong masters continued to offer a large number of low-grade training resources, and jointly opened up a safe passage for eight flying boats to fly side by side.

The diameter of this safe passage is thousands of meters, which is several times that of Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian who jointly opened the safe passage.

The safe passages of the Eight Great Divine Sects swallowed the safe passages of Jun Mohuang in an instant.

The black flying boat was out of control and was forced to be pulled into the safe passage of the Eight Great God Sects.

The eight flying boats immediately encircled and surrounded the black flying boats.

The coercion of the eight great gods sect masters enveloped the black flying boat.

"The emperor, hurry up and hand over all the cultivation resources in your hands, otherwise you will blame the seven sect masters for being polite!"

The Sect Master of the Starless God Sect looked at Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang with a look of resentment.

It was these two people who killed his spirit.

Today, he wants to bury his soul with two people in the turbulent current of Luancheng!

"You're welcome, I'd like to see, why are you so kind."

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips lifted slightly, instead of being afraid, he showed infinite curiosity.

"Woman, you think this is a barren city. The enemies you are facing are just a bunch of ineffective wastes! You don't have any insights. This suzerain will let you know now that there are three of us in the middle of the seventh stage of the Yuanshen realm. It's easy to kill your boat to win treasure!"

(End of this chapter)

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