Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2923: Black dragon's plot

Chapter 2923 Black Dragon's Conspiracy

"This turbulent current is composed of countless pure and incomparable heaven and earth vitality, dangerous and full of opportunities. Di Lingtian will never let go of this great opportunity, and will definitely take the opportunity to use the heaven and earth vitality to practice in retreat."

"At that time, it will be the time when this dragon starts!"

The black dragon currently exists in the form of a soul, and its strength is not as good as before. It can't kill the emperor and the king with one blow, but can use means to injure them.

The constant suffering of dark injuries caused the strength of the two to continue to decline.

When the time comes, the emperor and the emperor have fallen in strength and entered the realm of the gods. It will not worry about regaining freedom and revenge!

"Senior Black Dragon is still thoughtful."

Luo Chen couldn't help being determined when he saw that the black dragon was well prepared.

Yes, the black dragon clan was born in the realm of gods, and the rules of heaven and earth must not be comparable to Emperor Ling Tian.

Although Di Lingtian is a rune, he thinks more about how he can compare with the black dragon of God's Domain.

The matter was over, the two groups of Heilong and Luo Chen were full of confidence and returned to Xiao Haitang, waiting for Emperor Lingtianjun Mohuang to enter Luancheng turbulent flow.

Of course, during this period, the concealed formation continued to project the actions of the emperor and the king into the sea of ​​knowledge of the black dragon, letting the black dragon know the movements of the two.

One thousand times the delay space.

As soon as Heilong returned to the Xiaohaitang bracelet, Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang, who had fallen into a deep cultivation state, slowly opened their eyes.

As early as Heilong and Luo Chen entered a thousand times delay space, the two were aware of it.

Deliberately not showing up, but just wanting to see what Heilong and Luo Chen want to do.

The result is quite unexpected.

The situation has changed, and the surveillance array hidden above the two is about to project this scene into the Black Dragon Knowledge Sea.

The surveillance formation is fast, but Di Lingtian is faster than that.

Di Lingtian flicked his slender fingers, a golden talisman culture was a prison, and immediately interrupted the surveillance formation.

What the surveillance array passed to the Black Dragon Knowledge Sea was still the picture of the two men meditating and falling into a deep cultivation state.

"Tsk tusk, think of this black dragon still having this method."

With a wave of Jun Mohuang's sleeves, above the two, the formation that could only be seen by the black dragon instantly revealed its original shape. It was pulled down by a force and fell into Jun Mohuang's hands.

The strands of induction power immediately entered the black formation.

"Hey, Ling Tian, ​​the talisman used by this black dragon is exactly the same as the talisman recorded in Emperor Yize's talisman."

She could even feel that the black dragon used this rune technique was no better than Emperor Lingtian.

Disappointment and curiosity coexist in Jun Mohuang's heart.

She originally thought that the Black Dragon clan came from the realm of God and was conceived by Zhiyang. The use of talisman must be very advanced, but she did not expect it to be the same as the talisman recorded in Emperor Yize's talisman.

At the same time, she was not curious, the Celestial Polar Continent could not be compared with the True God Continent, let alone the God Territory.

How did Di Yize, who was born in the Celestial Continent, compile a rune exactly like that made by the black dragon.

The other monarch Mohuang couldn't guarantee, but she could guarantee that this matter had nothing to do with the original goddess.

"Sure enough."

Di Lingtian took over the surveillance formation, Ying Ting raised his eyebrows and became interested.

"Speaking of which, I always think that there is a problem with Di Yize."

Compared with other realms, there is one of the most significant differences between Yuanshen realm powerhouses.

That is, even if the body of the strong Yuanshen realm is eliminated, the soul can still survive.

Emperor Yize, Heilong, and Luo Chen are all living examples.

(End of this chapter)

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