Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2908: Emperor Wuming gets hacked

Chapter 2908 Emperor Wuming is hacked

"There is a problem with Cyclone Zhiyang!"

The black dragon that came was out of breath, panting like a cow, and said a sentence in two sentences.

"What, please make it clear, what is wrong with the Zhiyang Cyclone!"

The complexion of all the black dragons in the palace changed drastically, and the ancestor elder rushed to the visitor, grabbing the jacket of the visitor with his eyes like a sword, as if to split the visitor in half.

This person was personally arranged by him and the other two elders to guard the Zhiyang Cyclone. This person looked panicked, indicating that the Zhiyang Cyclone was not good.

"Elder Ancestor, just now, I don't know what's going on, the originally good Sun Cyclone began to drift, bright and dark, watching to drift away at any time."

The black dragon guarding the Zhiyang Cyclone was held in his hand like a little chicken at the moment. He didn't even have time to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and he didn't dare to hide it.

When Elder Ancestor heard the news, he immediately threw the person to the ground, and rushed in the direction of the Zhiyang cyclone.

Behind him, two elders, four black dragon kings and other dragons immediately followed.

The Sun Cyclone is too important to the Black Dragon family. If the Sun Cyclone drifts away and falls into the hands of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix family, or disappears, the consequences will be disastrous.

The black dragons were shaped like the wind, and rushed to the depths of the black dragon palace in a flash.

Several million feet deep under the Black Dragon Palace, there is a huge active volcanic crater, with fiery heat scorching the surrounding stone walls, and the turbulent red magma in the crater seems to erupt at any time.

Here, is the place where the black dragon clan hides to the Yang cyclone.

The Zhiyang cyclone hovered over the volcanic crater, continuously emitting radiant air, nourishing the crater.

The whole group of cyclones was erratic at this moment, as if there was an invisible big hand constantly pulling, and they would leave here at any time.

The black dragons who followed the ancestor elders saw this, and their faces rose with worry.

The Heilong clan was nurtured by the Qi of the Sun, and the Sun Cyclone that continuously emitted the Qi of the Sun could not be touched at all.

The qi of the most yang and the qi of the yin are the most original qi between heaven and earth, and nothing can restrain them.

In other words, if the Zhiyang cyclone really wants to drift away, they can only watch and take no measures.

"Elder Ancestor, what the **** is going on? The Sunshine Cyclone has been fine for millions of years!"

The four black dragon kings couldn't hold back at first, and one of the black dragon kings took the lead in asking.

"The most yang cyclone and the most negative cyclone are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing. The change of the position of one side will inevitably affect the position of the other side. It must be the ghost of the emperor Wuming!"

"Yes, he deliberately sabotaged the shadow stone just now, not showing us the process of taking him to the Yang cyclone. Now he must have taken the Zhiyin Cyclone, using the Zhiyin Cyclone to affect the Yang Cyclone, delusional to lead the Yang Cyclone to Go there, synthesize the **** emperor's scepter, and become the **** emperor, so that we can all be underfoot!"

"This kid, the Dragon King has long seen that he is uneasy and kind. He actually wants to bypass our Black Dragon clan and become the emperor himself. It is unforgivable. The Dragon King will kill him!"

Without waiting for the ancestor elder to speak, another Black Dragon King had already spoke out his speculation angrily, and drew his sword and left the crater.

"Damn, this emperor is nameless, but an outsider. My Black Dragon clan treats him so favorably, so he stretches out such ambitions!"

The three Black Dragon Kings were immediately furious. Seeing that the ancestor elder did not intend to block any opposition, they immediately drew out their weapons and followed the first Black Dragon King.

(End of this chapter)

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