Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2897: Exile in Canaan

Chapter 2897 The Land of Exile in Canaan

"Husband, why can't you kill her? This woman dares to doubt me in front of so many people."

The girl in white was very dissatisfied when she was stopped by the emperor Wuming using secret words.

How can she stand up without killing this woman.

"The Lord of the Snow Territory has followed the Goddess for many years, and was brought up by the Goddess as a daughter. The true Goddess cannot bestow her to death, at most it is just exile."

"Don't think that you are now being held by all the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix Clan, you can do whatever you want. If you want to be suspicious, you must imitate the Goddess Monarch's style of dealing with things. Don't forget, Monarch Mo Phoenix is ​​still alive."

The words of Emperor Wuming were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the flame of power that had just ignited in the heart of the girl in white.

Yes, Jun Mohuang is still alive, even though the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan now recognizes her, the threat still exists.

Before getting rid of Jun Mohuang completely, she had to pay attention.

When Jun Mohuang is completely wiped out, she will be able to think whatever she wants then.

"But husband, I'm still not reconciled."

The girl in white understands these truths, but she still can't swallow the breath.

What about Jun Mohuang? With her current status in the two races with Emperor Wuming, it is easy to send someone to kill her secretly, without having to take Jun Mohuang to heart.

"You can't swallow this breath, naturally someone will help you privately send someone to kill her. Why, I will promote you to the position of the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan, and you will start to ignore my words?"

"Remember, I can lift you to the sky and be admired by thousands of people; I can also make you fall into the mud and be trampled by thousands of people. You better behave."

Behind the girl in white, Emperor Wuming narrowed his eyes slightly, and the cold tone made people shudder.

This idiot really thought he had gone to heaven, and the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix Goddess hadn't been sitting in the heat yet, and wanted to get out of his control.

"Husband, where shall I exile her."

The girl in white was extremely unwilling to bite the corner of her lips, and on the way to the True God Continent, Emperor Wuming took her life and soul away.

Her fate was indeed grasped by Emperor Wuming.

"Land of Canaan."

"Give the mainstream of the Snow Region the land of Canaan."

Even though the white-clothed girl was unwilling in her heart, she had to follow the instructions of the emperor Wuming.

"Goddess Jun Yingming!"

On the opposite golden flying boat, all the members of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan knelt down again, unanimously.

But their respective moods are different.

The Yan Territory Lord looked unwilling, the Snow Territory Lord was so disrespectful, not just exile, he should be given to death immediately.

Humph, it's because the Snow Territory Lord was raised by the goddess.

Yes, it has always been like this. The goddess always prefers the snow masters because the goddess raised the snow masters by himself.

She was taken back to Huang Yu Palace with the Snow Territory Lord at that time. Because she was impulsive and reckless, and not as calm and smart as the Snow Territory Lord, the Snow Territory Lord was selected by the Goddess Lord, but she did not.

But it doesn't matter, the land of Canaan.

That was the place with the worst living conditions in the entire God's Domain. There was no energy for people to practice, and no resources for cultivation, but there were countless mutant monsters.

The land of Canaan is absolutely forbidden to the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix and Black Dragons.

Except for the Goddess Lord and Dragon Emperor, anyone who enters it will be suppressed above the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Those exiled to the land of Canaan will soon die under the claws of mutant beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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