Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2878: I think this is good

Chapter 2878 I think this is very good

"I want my father to wipe it for my mother."

Well, you must let the mother and father interact more and maintain the affection, so that she will not become a little pitiful without a father or mother.

Jun Mohuang could easily see Xiao Haitang's thoughts, and couldn't help laughing. What an older child had so many eyes.

"Good girl, well done, tomorrow my father and mother will take you out to play again."

Di Lingtian patted Xiao Haitang's vest lovingly.

"Really, daddy."

Xiao Haitang's eyes immediately lighted up. In her impression, her parents have always been busy people, and they can continue tomorrow, Xiao Haitang couldn't believe it.

Di Lingtian raised his eyebrows and said: "When did you dad deceive you?"

"Hehe, Daddy is so kind!"

Xiao Haitang grabbed Di Lingtian's clothes with a pair of small hands excitedly, her eyes that were so cleverly beautiful and outrageous turned, she was already thinking about how to get the third chance to go out with her parents.

"Ling Tian, ​​how can you do this."

Di Lingtian not only did not stop, but encouraged him in disguise, Jun Mohuang couldn't help holding his forehead.

Xiao Haitang is so smart, he has fully understood the essence of getting rewards, I am afraid that he will make more similar actions in the future.

"Why can't it be, I think it's good. Huang'er, come here."

The snow-white Jinpa set off Di Lingtian's fingers more and more refined.

Jun Mohuang hadn't moved yet, and Di Lingtian had already begun to gently and carefully wipe the sweat beads between Jun Mohuang's forehead with Jinpa.

The facial features of the Emperor Lingtian are beautiful and exquisite, like a **** descending to the world, and a pair of blood eyes are full of pampering and concentration.

Jun Mohuang was nestling beside him, a pleasant smile appeared on his beautiful face, everything was so warm and beautiful.

A burst of strong **** smell and noise broke all this.

The two looked at each other, and the rich taste was definitely not just that someone was injured.

"Hey, baby, you'll stay in the mirror world first, and your dad and I will deal with some things, and we will take you to play soon after we deal with them.

Jun Mohuang instinctively didn't want Xiao Haitang to see too many killings among his kind.

Huangyu Space has completely become part of the Celestial Continent, and now, her portable space is only the mirror world.

"Okay, mother."

Xiao Haitang nodded obediently, and was not upset by it.

Jun Mohuang sent Xiao Haitang into the world of mirrors. Emperor Lingtian stretched his arms and embraced Jun Mohuang. A breeze passed by, and the two of them had disappeared.

On the other side, Zhao Wuling swung his long whip and killed more than a dozen residents of the barren city in a flash.

" are too much!"

The other living residents watched their companions die before and after more than 30 people, many of these people were their neighbors and acquaintances.

They stopped this woman, just wanting to ask for an explanation, but they didn't expect Zhao Wuling to be so cruel.

"Huh, too much? Only more than 30 people died. This young lady is not yet satisfied. Why do you want to stop the untouchables? That's fine, this young lady doesn't mind killing all of you and letting you die. My companions get together."

Zhao Wuling waved the blue long whip in his hand, and there were about a hundred residents around.

A powerful person of the fifth-order of the original spirit realm, killing more than 100 first-order untouchables of the original spirit realm in one breath, is just a matter of a few tricks.

Zhao Wuling had not waved the cyan long whip in his hand, and a burst of energy came quickly, directly smashing her cyan long whip into several segments.

"what is the problem."

(End of this chapter)

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