Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2838: Defend the barren city to the death

Chapter 2838 Swears to the Death to Defend the Barren City

"We will defend the barren city to the death."

The Fat City Lord looked pale, but his tone was very determined.

This city is the only thing his father left for him. His father's life was miserable and he could not live up to his father's wishes.

"In that case, how can we leave."

Jun Mohuang's lips twitched lightly. She could have just watched this matter.

But her comrades only enjoyed the benefits of Yuanlingquan, a barren city. Everyone was promoted to the second level of the Yuanshen realm. The Fat City Lord was a big help to her, how could she not save her.

"But, Miss Jun, this time the beast tide is too strong, it will be very dangerous to stay."

Fat City Lord was moved in his heart, his expression urging everyone to leave even tighter.

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips were slightly pursed, and he stopped talking. A pair of black and white flying blades hovered beside her.

"My lord, don't forget, the name of our mercenary group, the locust mercenary group, will not stay wherever we go, this group of beasts, we will kill."

Following Feng Yunqi's steps, Feng Yunqi immediately summoned his weapon.

"Boss, I don't know how the meat of this group of monsters is, whether it tastes good, whether it has any effect of tempering the body and enhancing the strength."

When Feng Yunqi thought of the benefits of the black dragon, he couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful.

The conditions in the land of the true gods are so good, the meat of these monsters should be good.

It was not only Feng Yunqi who cared about this question, but the dragons looked at Jun Mohuang with expectant eyes, expecting her to give a positive answer.

"Of course for ordinary people of the first and second levels of the Primordial Spirit Realm, it is no longer useful for you."

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips twitched, and this group of foodies had eaten black dragon meat once, and they were worried about all kinds of meat.

Everyone was suddenly disappointed, and Jun Mohuang spoke up for a while, making them happy again.

"However, there are magic crystals in the heart of these monsters, which are life-long energy condensation, and absorption of refining can enhance your strength."

"Wow, got rich!"

Tens of millions of monsters mean that they can have tens of millions of magic crystals.

Feng Yunqi and the dragons couldn't stand it at the first time. With their wings spread behind them, they flew out of the barren city with their weapons, flew into the group of monsters to kill the monsters, and get the magic crystals.

As soon as they flew out, they were surrounded by monsters in the air and on the ground.

"Miss Jun, they..."

The Fat City Lord looked at all this with trepidation, and most people were too late to run when they saw the beast tide.

It was the first time he saw him who ran to the beast tide on his own initiative.

The magic crystal of Warcraft is indeed a good thing, especially when it forms a tide of beasts, so many magic crystals gather together, the energy resonance will occur.

The magic crystal effect of the beast tide is doubled than the usual magic crystal effect, but it also has to be enjoyed by life.

"My Lord City Lord, don't worry, they will have nothing to do."

The Fat City Lord didn't know that Feng Yunqi and the others had weapons refined from the black dragon treasure armor and dragon thorns, and their combat power was comparable to the mid-tier powerhouses of the Yuanshen realm.

Most of the power of the beasts in the beast tide are in the second-order of the original spirit realm. As long as they are besieged by the third and fourth-order beasts of the original god, there will be no danger.

After Feng Yunqi and others flew into the beast tide, Mo Clan, Zizi Chichi and others also set off immediately.

Only Di Lingtian, Jun Mohuang, Xiao Haitang and Mo Xiaoke stood on the city wall.

The actions of Feng Yunqi and others angered the tide of beasts, they moved faster, and the birds of beasts in the air blocked the entire sky.

(End of this chapter)

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