Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2834: Blood Sacrifice Summon

Chapter 2834 Blood Sacrifice Call

Only the low-level garbage civilians of the Desolate City regarded that stupid pig as the city owner.

A group of people enter the stone room to rest.

These people took a lot of effort to get the ice marrow beads in the barren ice field. Even the body of the whole **** could not withstand this consumption and soon fell asleep.

In the silence, the young man walked out of the stone room and dived into the dark night without disturbing anyone.

After the young man was several kilometers away from the stone house, he smashed the transmission jade symbol and disappeared.

After the young man left, Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian walked out from behind a huge rock.

"Tsk tusk, this person is not simple, he can find a middle-grade yuan stone vein under the ground."

Jun Mohuang's eyes have a transparent and visual effect. If you want to know what's under the ground, you only need to glance at it.

Other primordial spirit realm experts want to discover mineral veins, but it is basically impossible.

This young man did it. Obviously, everything benefited from the blood in his body.

However, he is not simple and so, he is just making her wedding dress.

She is worrying about cultivation resources.

Yuan Lingquan was of no use to her and Di Lingtian, and the middle-grade Yuanshi veins came immediately. It is really lacking. Don't be lucky.

The interesting blood matching between this person and the Fat City Lord, and the special effects in the blood, made her more interested in this person.

Jun Mohuang became more and more curious about what this person was going to do.

"Don't be interested in other men."

Di Lingtian saw her eyes shining slightly, her handsome face was slightly dark, and he held her in his arms possessively, his tone was full of sourness.

"Eat the fly jealously and go."

Jun Mohuang rolled his eyes at Di Lingtian, this careful man.

With Xiao Haitang, Di Lingtian became more jealous.

Jun Mohuang took Di Lingtian's hand, followed the young man's breath, and disappeared in place.

Night, a barren city.

The night is like a pitch-black curtain, covering the entire barren ice field, without a trace of moonlight or starlight.

The ice field emits dim light, and the barren city stands on the ice field, like a huge black monster.

The young man walked on the ice field, frowning, constantly judging the position.

He went back and forth in Bingyuan for a full two hours, and Jun Mohuang wondered if he had sleepwalking. This time he was not doing business at all, but sleepwalking.

Ahead, the young man who had been wandering suddenly stopped, his lips changed to a weird and sinister smile.

He finally determined the location, and it was not wasted that he wandered on the ice field for so long.

The young man took out a dagger and cut his wrist.

Yin Hong blood gushed out instantly, dripping onto the ice sheet, splashing flowers of blood, and was instantly frozen by the cold air of the ice sheet.

Red plum blossoms in the snow are very conspicuous.

Self-harm, what kind of operation is this.

Jun Mohuang didn't think that this person could not think about it, so he deliberately went back to the deserted city to cut his wrist and commit suicide.

The young man looked at the blood stains frozen on the ice, and there was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

He began to move quickly in a certain order, letting the blood drip onto the ice.

Using blood as a pen, the young man began to draw a huge mysterious pattern on the ice field.

This process lasted for a full half an hour, and the final pattern was finally drawn.

On the ice sheet, the blood-colored pattern that had been drawn flashed and suddenly disappeared.

The surrounding air was full of a strong smell of blood, and the smell of blood was blown everywhere as the wind roared.

(End of this chapter)

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