Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2820: Intelligence at hand

Chapter 2820 information is available

"Well, it's cheap for this bunch of waste, let's go!"

Under the persuasion of the middle-aged man, Fenying finally stopped insisting.

All the Eagle tribesmen turned into a black streamer and slid into the distance.

After a few seconds, it turned into a small shadow.

"The intelligence is in hand."

As soon as these people left, Jun Mohuang's lips lightly twitched.

Tsk tsk, Di Lingtian's face is really good, you don't need to ask anything at that station, since someone sent the information to the door.

Everyone in the True God Continent is not familiar with it. If there weren't the drama just now, I don't know how long it would take to get information.

"Huang'er, betray your husband's beauty, you don't feel jealous in your heart, be careful that your husband punishes you tonight."

Di Lingtian felt a little unhappy about Jun Mohuang's doing this.

"Of course not, my husband has such a good vision, affectionate and dedicated to me, how can I fall in love with her, I am confident in and trusting in my husband."

Jun Mohuang put Xiao Haitang in Di Lingtian's arms, and hurriedly pleased Di Lingtian and smoothed him.

Punishment or something, too scary.

"Reluctantly right."

Sure enough, when he heard Jun Mohuang praise himself in disguise, the uneasiness in Di Lingtian's heart immediately disappeared.

"Daddy, my mother did nothing wrong. Don't punish my mother at night, okay."

Xiao Haitang looked at Di Lingtian from the left and Jun Mohuang from the right. He stretched out his hand to grab Di Lingtian's collar and asked softly.

The aunt with a bad nose just now wanted to take her dad away.

Now Dad was going to punish his mother, Xiao Haitang immediately became worried for Jun Mohuang.

As soon as these words came out, Jun Mohuang's face burst into red like a lotus petal.

Everyone on the scene looked at the sky one by one, looking at the ground, wishing they didn't exist.

God, my little princess, what your father said about punishment is not what you think.

"Your dad was just talking about it."

In the future, there will be Xiao Haitang, and when speaking more intimate words with Di Lingtian, he must use secret words to transmit his voice.

Jun Mohuang repeated this sentence in his mind ten thousand times, glared at Di Lingtian, and found that the corners of his lips were lightly hooked, and his smile turned upside down all sentient beings.

Jun Mohuang was annoyed, and stretched out his hand to pinch Di Lingtian's arm for a few times.

Feng Yunqi gave a light cough, and immediately shifted his attention to resolve Jun Mohuang's embarrassment.

"Boss, what are those people just now?"

When Feng Yunqi said this, everyone was full of curiosity.

They had long known that all the aborigines in the True God Continent were not pure humans, and the blood of the beasts in the body was relatively heavy.

I really want to know what kind of beast's blood is flowing inside the group of people just now.

Jun Mohuang replied: "It's a group of eagles."

"It turned out to be a group of eagles, tut, so noisy, I thought it was a group of crows."

"Your Majesty, what shall we do now, whether we participate in the hunting in the wilderness, or whether we will go to the barren city?"

"Go, why not, isn't it the Yuanlingquan that only occurs once in 50,000 years? Don't you want to be promoted to the Yuanshen realm immediately."

According to the eagle just now, the Barren City is the largest city nearby.

They just came to the realm of the true gods, their eyes were blackened, and they couldn't even tell the southeast, northwest, let alone found the habitat of the black dragon clan.

The Barren City is the best place to quickly understand the general situation of the True God Continent.

"Think about it, want it!"

Feng Yunqi and the dragons nodded immediately.

Bubble spring water can be promoted from the Yuansheng realm to the Yuanshen realm. If you don't want this kind of opportunity, that's a big fool.

(End of this chapter)

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