Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2795: God assists, Xiao Haitang

Chapter 2795 God assists, Xiao Haitang

"be good."

Jun Mohuang held up her delicate little face and kissed it.

Di Lingtian reached out and patted Xiao Haitang's back.

"Huang'er, you have no objections, and the number of times is counted like this."

The atmosphere of a family of three was just right, and Emperor Lingtian raised the little book in his hand and passed it to the sea of ​​knowledge of Jun Mohuang by means of secret language.

Little Haitang didn't notice it at all.

"I have objections!"

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips twitched, and Di Lingtian, a sly black-bellied man, even took advantage of Xiao Haitang's presence and put her mind on her daughter, and pitted her without paying attention.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly enough.

"The objection is invalid and will be executed in accordance with this in the future."

Di Lingtian put the small notebook in the space ring, the beautifully shaped thin lips lightly hooked.

Jun Mohuang tightened the corners of his lips and looked at Di Lingtian's handsome face that was so angry and resentful that she could not beat Di Lingtian.

Xiao Haitang will believe it if he wants to break up and divorce.

The mirror world has absorbed too much black dragon blood and is currently in a closed evolution state.

Di Lingtian pinched her to death, she really could not do anything.

What to do, wait online, urgent!

Just as Jun Mohuang was scorched, Xiao Haitang's sweet and soft voice sounded.

"Then... what is going on with Dad's cheating that my mother just said."

Xiao Haitang keenly discovered that his parents were in a state of something wrong, and soon remembered Jun Mohuang's remarks about Emperor Lingtian's shame.

Her mother is the most beautiful mother in the world, and her father is the most beautiful and handsome father in the world. Of course, there can be no less.

As the father and mother's baby daughter, of course she must pay special attention to the relationship between the two.

If the two of them are in a bad relationship and want to divorce, won't she be an orphan without her mother's love and father's love?

"Mother didn't treat Daddy, and said Daddy was playing tricks."

In a second, Di Lingtian went from a black belly to an innocent wolf, weakly leaning on Jun Mohuang's shoulder.

Jun Mohuang: "..."

Can you still fall in love happily and be a husband and wife?

When Xiao Haitang heard that Di Lingtian had not healed from his injuries, his beautiful eyes were full of worry.

"Don't listen to your dad's nonsense, his mother has already been treated for the injury he suffered from the big villain. Your dad needs to be treated. Excessive treatment is not good for your health, and your mother said he was playing tricks."

Jun Mohuang saw that something was wrong, and brought the conversation back to the right track.

"Daddy, my mother is right. Excessive treatment is bad for your health. You can't always pester your mother to treat you."

Xiao Haitang's worries about Di Lingtian suddenly disappeared.

My mother is skilled in medicine, she said that if it is cured, it must be cured.

My mother said that excessive treatment is bad for the body, and that is bad.

"Mother, my dad's injury is healed, and he must be very weak. From now on, Xiao Haitang will sleep with his mother and dad, and help his mother take care of his dad."

"Okay, our baby is so good, my mother agreed."

Jun Mohuang kissed Xiao Haitang's cheek and looked at Emperor Lingtian gleefully.

Baby, mother is waiting for your words.

Xiao Haitang is simply her **** assist.

With Xiao Haitang, even if Di Lingtian had recorded 100,000 times in his notebook, it was all empty talk.

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips curled slightly, facing his daughter's intimate behavior, he could not refuse.

Jun Mohuang smiled more happily when seeing Di Lingtian's slightly helpless look.

"By the way, mother, when I came just now, Uncle Feng and the others seemed to be looking for a mother who was very anxious, and asked me to come and call mother to pass."

(End of this chapter)

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