Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2787: Own knife

Chapter 2787 Own Knife

The black shadow man leader only guessed the part where he was going to the true god.

Huh, murder with a knife?

He didn't need it at all, this knife was originally his.

Celestial continent.

Everyone is in a carnival.

After Xiao Haitang and Mo Xiaoke used the black dragon spirit in the Liuli Pavilion to contact them for an hour of attack, they began to search for their parents.

In just one hour, her progress was also very great, Xiao Haitang couldn't wait to show the results to Jun Mohuang.

But she looked left and right in the crowd, but did not find the shadow of her parents.

Xiao Haitang greeted Mo Xiaoke, and by sensing the aura of Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian, he began to look for them.

Xiao Haitang has just started to practice, but she has a solid foundation of strength, possesses the strength of the first stage of the Primordial God Realm, and is very convenient to act.

After determining the location of her parents, a pair of small phoenix wings appeared behind her.

Little Haitang taught himself without a teacher, and the Phoenix Wing lightly shook behind him and flew in the direction of his parents.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Haitang flew into the palace on the cliff.

She clearly felt that the aura of her parents continued to come, and the two of them were in this palace.

Xiao Haitang collected Qi Huangyi and landed in front of the palace.

She moved her short legs and easily penetrated the barrier arranged by Emperor Lingtian.

The palace is very big, but Xiao Haitang can feel the two of them through his breath.

Turning the winding corridor, she quickly came to the door of a palace.

That's right, her mother and father are the strongest here, and the two of them must be here.

Xiao Haitang stretched out his hand and pushed open the palace gate.

Stepping on his short legs, passing through the hall and bypassing the screen, he hurried happily towards the two.

Sure enough, I saw the red gauze hidden in the bedroom, vaguely I could see two figures nestling together.

This must be her beautiful mother and handsome father.

"Mother, father."

Xiao Haitang happily moved his short legs and ran to the two of them.

Emperor Lingtian forbeared for a long time, Xiao Haitang was born, and the black dragon was slaughtered. He no longer had any scruples.

The breath of Xiao Haitang is a combination of the two breaths.

Xiao Haitang's sudden intrusion made the two people in the state of love only see each other, and no one noticed it.

It wasn't until Xiao Haitang opened the door of the palace that Di Lingtian noticed it, turned over and held Jun Mohuang in his arms, stretched his arms, and covered them with a thin sheet of paper.

After doing all this, Xiao Haitang opened the veil with a hand.

"It turns out that my mother and dad are resting, so I want to rest."

Xiao Haitang climbed onto the couch, automatically took off his shoes and socks, and opened the quilt with a gesture of little hands.

"Baby, wait."

Jun Mohuang's face was more reddish than a peach blossom, and hurriedly stopped.

She and Di Lingtian were only covered with quilts, and when Xiao Haitang got in, wouldn't it be exposed.

"Mother, I want to rest with my mother and father. I promise to be well-behaved. I will not kick the quilt and disturb my mother."

How could Xiao Haitang know what Jun Mohuang thought, she just wanted to get close to her parents, and the speed of lifting the quilt did not stop.

Jun Mohuang is going crazy.

Di Lingtian flicked his fingers, and at the moment Xiao Haitang lifted the quilt, their clothes recovered.

Only when Di Ling had done all this, Xiao Haitang had already gotten into Jun Mohuang's arms.

She stretched out a pair of small hands and hugged Jun Mohuang's arms, her small body was completely leaning against Jun Mohuang, and she let out a sigh, she was still the most comfortable in her arms.

Leaning on her mother's arms, Xiao Haitang covered her small mouth and yawned delicately.

"Mother, why is Daddy so calm? Does he dislike me."

Today's update is complete...

Three chapters tonight, and three more chapters tomorrow, right?

Thank you for looking up at the sky and smiling presumptuously. , Cheng Jiao, who took Yi, and other babies' rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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