Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2684: Polished commander

Chapter 2684 Polished Commander

Luo Chen's black eyes were red, and if his gaze was substantial, he passed these spirit races.

"The subordinates dare not."

The gaze from the Protoss powerhouse made these spirit races tremble.

The end of their companions is constantly being played back in their minds, how dare they take the initiative to hit Luo Chen's muzzle.


Luo Chen was finally satisfied with the attitude of these spirit races.

"You immediately follow the monarch's order to gather Feng Yehan and the twenty-eight ministers who led the spirit tribe army together, and tell them that even if they die, they must keep the spirit palace to the monarch! "

"Otherwise, this monarch will kill everyone in their tribe."

Di Lingtian and Jun Mohuang thought that if they quickly break through the spiritual capital, they will be able to quickly break through the spiritual capital.

The defensive barrier of the Spirit Palace is devoted to Luo Chen's efforts over the past ten thousand years.

The defense system of the Spirit Palace, like the City of Ten Thousand Demons, not only has a solid defense barrier, but also an attack system.

When defending against an invading foreign enemy, manipulating it will double the effectiveness of defense and attack.

Twenty-eight spirit races, including Feng Yehan and Yuan Patriarch, each knew a part of how to operate a defensive barrier.

With these people holding in front, they can probably hold them for a few minutes.

He can just use this time to return to the bedroom in the palace and use the portal to leave.

He has not healed from his serious injury now, and it is indeed not a good time to face the Emperor Ling Tianjun and Mo Phoenix head-on.

Yes, Luo Chen wanted to escape.

But this kind of thing can only be done on his own initiative, and no one else can say it.

Otherwise, he will put the face of the dignified **** of the heavenly spirit world, the power of the **** race, where will he be put.

"Uh... Your Majesty, Patriarch Feng... No, Feng Yehan had already returned to the Nine Nether Realm in the holy pond. As for the twenty-eight ministers...they brought their families back to the Sky Spirit from the Nine Nether Realms last time. The boundary of the border disappeared and never appeared again."

"Furthermore, the Lord has already killed all the family members of the 28 adults..."

After hearing Luo Chen's request, these spirit races looked at each other.

There are a lot of things Luo Chen has forgotten in the future.

Several people exchanged glances, and finally decided to unanimously, and at the same time tell Luo Chen the news again.

If there is only one person ahead, then that person will definitely be killed.

Let’s say it together, maybe Luo Chen wouldn’t kill them.

"A group of dogs eating inside and out!"

Sure enough, Luo Chen was furious again after listening to them.

He wanted to kill all these people, but miraculously endured it.

If you kill again, he will be truly unavailable.

"Go and let all the spiritual ministers in the spiritual capital who are still alive enter the spiritual palace to resist the demons!"

Luo Chen felt bored and had to retreat to second place.

Without Feng Yehan and other ministers, other ministers can.

The big deal is that he tells them the way to control the defensive enchantment through the sound transmission jade talisman, which can also delay time for him.

However, the delay time will be reduced, and Luo Chen can no longer manage so much now.

"Uh... Your Majesty, except for the subordinates who thought, all the ministers have now expressed their surrender to Emperor Lingtian and the surnamed Jun. You know, our spirit race is inherently hard to resist the orders of the **** race."

Several spirit races quickly exchanged glances, and once again agreed in unison.

"Wha...what! You said, except for the six of you, the other spirit races have rebelled! Only the six of you in the heavenly spirit world are loyal to this lord?!"

Luo Chen's face suddenly turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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