Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2677: Furious and mad, killing mother and father 2

Chapter 2677 Furious and Furious, Killing Mother and Father 2

Baili Yunsheng, who was restrained in the big net, saw the two escape, his eyes faintly red, and an unprecedented sense of anxiety rose from his heart.

In desperation, Baili Yunsheng's pure spiritual energy soared, his hands suddenly tore, tearing the big net to pieces.

Baili Yunsheng spread his wings behind him, and continued to fly towards Baili Patriarch and his wife.

"He! How did he break free!"

The Baili Patriarch and his wife obviously didn't expect Baili Yunsheng to break free. This is the big net they made with secret techniques.

This kind of mystery is related to the core secrets of the Bafang Profound Realm. It helps them restore their appearance and strength. The strength of energy is definitely not something that Baili Yunsheng, the second-stage late stage powerhouse of Yuansheng Realm, can tear open.

Madam Baili let out a cry of exclamation. The Patriarch Baili made a calm face, took her hand, burned the energy obtained from the secret technique, and swiftly longed to flee away.


Baili Yunsheng yelled loudly, trying to stop the two of them.

How could Baili Patriarch and his wife obediently listen to him, burning the energy obtained from the secret technique faster than Baili Yunsheng's flying speed.

The two sides quickly moved apart.

Baili Yunsheng's heart was even more eager, and the aura in the sea of ​​Qi skyrocketed again, and his speed increased by a large amount without his own expectations.

During this period of time, he was cultivating using the soul spar obtained from Spirit Devouring Valley.

The aura of the soul spar is too pure, and he has not used the liquid aura from it completely, and is automatically hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​qi.

Baili Yunsheng's body potential exploded in desperation. Since this part of the liquid aura has been used, he can tear open the big net and increase his speed.

But now, he has no time to think about the increase in his speed.

At this time, Baili Yunsheng had only one thought in his mind-he must catch the Baili couple.

Under the high-speed flight, Baili Yunsheng's distance with the Baili Patriarch and his wife quickly narrowed.

"Husband, what should I do! Sheng'er has caught up!"

Madame Baili panicked.

It was not easy for her to taste freedom, so she would not be caught again and imprisoned to death.

"It's okay, madam. We will attack immediately, as long as Sheng'er is injured so that he has no strength to chase us in the future."

"Sheng'er has always been filial, he will only avoid, and will never fight back."

The panic on the face was only a moment, and the Patriarch Baili quickly understood.

When it comes to battle, they are not Baili Yunsheng's opponents.

They can only use secret techniques to attack and escape, but not to defend.

Baili Patriarch is very confident, Baili Yunsheng will not fight back.

Will not fight back, everything is easy to say.

"...Well, husband."

Baili Yunsheng got closer and closer to the two, and Mrs. Baili hardly hesitated.

After discussing the countermeasures, the two quickly exchanged glances, and at the same time turned around, calling the secret technique.


The two teamed up to attack Baili Yunsheng.

Baili Yunsheng was very close to the two of them, and he didn't expect them to attack suddenly.

When I realized it, it was too late to escape.

The attack jointly issued by Baili and his wife hit Baili Yunsheng's heart firmly.


Baili Yunsheng's heart ached, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his lips.

His body retreated a hundred meters before he looked in the air to stabilize his figure.

"Father, mother, you guys!"

Baili Yunsheng looked at his parents in disbelief.

"Sheng'er, my parents are also forced to be unable to do anything, but they are being forced to defend themselves. If you insist on catching us, we will continue to attack."

(End of this chapter)

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