Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2667: Refuse to obey

Chapter 2667 refused to obey

Despite this, the level of refining medicine of the pharmacists in the Profound Capital Realm is still worse than that of the pharmacists in the Nine Nether Realm and the Celestial Spirit Realm, even in the Bafang Profound Realm.

Zi Shuilan was in the Profound Capital Realm, where medical conditions were underdeveloped, and could not receive the most accurate treatment. The Ziyun family led by Su Zhiyun did not want him to wake up.

It was not easy for Zi Shuilan to be alive now.

Zi Yundi squatted on the soft side, the gorgeous purple fur was dull and dull, and several scabs lay on it.

It guarded Zishuilan, attacking at any time, fully guarded, to prevent any person in the camp from plotting against Zishuilan.

Those purple beast pupils stared closely at Su Zhiyun below.

Su Zhiyun was dressed in a gorgeous dress with purple and gold. Standing under the high platform, he had long eyebrows like temples, and his eyebrows were full of color.

"The **** of the heavenly spirit world has become a god. He is the only **** race in this world, and sooner or later he will unify all continents."

"In order to prevent the orcs of the entire Profound Capital Realm from making unnecessary sacrifices, I have drafted a book of obedience for the entire Profound Capital Realm to the Heavenly Spirit Realm God in the name of the Beast Emperor."

"As long as the gods agree, all the orcs in the Protoss Realm can become the descendants of the Protoss and be blessed by the Protoss. The orcs in the Prosperous Realm will flourish under this kind of protection.

Endless. "

Su Zhiyun looked around all the orc ministers in the camp, and the mistress showed no doubt.

She raised her small hand, and a purple satin material appeared in her hand, which was similar to the imperial edict.

Above, it is the book of conformity prepared in the name of Zi Shuilan.

When Zi Yundi, who was guarding Zi Shuilan, heard the three characters "Book of Return", two groups of anger burned in the purple beast pupils.

"Queen wise!"

"The queen has worked hard for the profound capital realm and the welfare of the orcs, and his subordinates are willing to obey the queen's orders."

In the camp, the minister of the Ziyun clan standing on Su Zhiyun's side, or the minister of the orc clan who was bought by Su Zhiyun, strongly agreed with Su Zhiyun's approach.

Those who opposed Su Zhiyun's practice accounted for the majority.

"Book of obedience... Our entire Xuandu realm is surrendered to the Heavenly Spirit Realm. If you do this, Queen, where will your Majesty be?

"Yes, does your majesty have to bow to the gods of the heavenly spirit realm to make a statement!"

Most of the orc ministers were dissatisfied with Su Zhiyun's ceding hundreds of cities to the heavenly spirit world.

Su Zhiyun became more vigorous now, and he wanted the entire Profound Capital Realm to return to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, which they absolutely couldn't bear.

"Huh, what about bowing down and claiming courtiers. The Heavenly Spirit Realm God Sovereign is the only **** race in the world. Don't forget that our orcs are the characteristics bestowed by the gods, and bowing to the gods should be our way."

"You, dare to refuse to obey the Protoss, so brave."

Su Zhiyun's eyes waved, revealing a bit of coldness.

"That's not dare. But when it comes to the Protoss, the Devil Emperor of the Nine Nether Realm and the Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Realm have also been promoted to the Primordial God Realm and become the Protoss. The Protoss is not the only **** of the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

"Your Majesty has a good relationship with the Dragon Emperor and the Devil Emperor. The journey to the holy pond is also on the side of the Dragon Emperor and the Devil Emperor. Even if we in the Profound Capital Realm want to obey the Protoss, it is the two who obey them. reason!"

The orcs who opposed Su Zhiyun were neither humble nor humble.

Among them, thirteen had all crossed the sacred pool with Zi Shuilan, and saw Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang, who were still walking Luo Chen's Tao in the Spirit Devouring Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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