Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2659: Then you should be a concubine

Chapter 2659 Then you should be a concubine

"Follow me?"

Emperor Wuming raised his beautiful eyebrows. This tiny movement made his extremely cold temperament more vivid.

"Yes, I am pregnant with your flesh and blood, even if I am only a concubine, even if I have no status, I am willing."

The girl in white could not resist his prosperous beauty for a while.

She lowered her head shyly, the blush spreading to the base of her neck.

The girl in white made up her mind to follow him and tried her best to attract his attention.

She has been with Luo Chen for so long, naturally knowing what kind of woman is most attractive to men like Emperor Wuming.

Naturally, she is shy and beautiful, lovable, and a woman who makes people want to protect her.

"Don't worry, I won't let you lose your status, nor will you be a concubine room."

Disdain flashed across the bottom of Emperor Wuming's golden eyes. This watery and arrogant woman was ashamed to seduce him with this little trick.

The emperor Wuming didn't show up on his face, his tone was soft, and he stretched out his hand to lift the girl in white.

"You are pregnant with my flesh and blood, and you are my wife."

"Really...really? My strength is too low, and I have lost my identity as a descendant of the gods. I also lost a hand. I will be your wife...I am not worthy of you..."

Surprise exploded in the heart of the white-clothed girl, stunned her mind.

The white-clothed girl quickly stabilized her emotions, trying to get in and out, retreating as progress.

Luo Chen was the latest in this move before. She deliberately said her shortcomings in this way, and if she deliberately delayed it, the more he would pity himself.

But this time, the girl in white was very wrong.

Di Wuming suddenly changed his words, "Well, in that case, then you should be a concubine."

This stupid woman, who thought he was Luo Chen's straw bag, would be played around by her.

The white-clothed girl looked up and stared blankly at Emperor Wuming, who did not play cards according to common sense.

He should pity her more, how can he follow her words.

"You're by my side, just be honest with me, don't want to use your tricks to deal with other men to deal with me, otherwise I will abandon you."

Emperor Wuming suddenly sneered and sneered, his slender fingers pinched the white-clothed girl's jaw.

With great strength, pinched the white-clothed girl's jaw with two bruise marks.

"You should know what will happen if you are abandoned by me now."

"Yes, yes, I don't dare anymore."

The girl in white nodded hurriedly, for fear that Emperor Wuming would really abandon her.

Why did she forget that this man is a demon, with the things he did to her in the holy pool beforehand, how could he be so easily manipulated by her means.

The girl in white was extremely regretful, what she should have thought of was that this person was different from Luo Chen.

She should have agreed just now, and shouldn't make false excuses.

It doesn't matter, the girl in white believes that with his charm, he will truly fall in love with her one day and let her become his wife.

"Very good, this is good. Go and fix the injury by yourself, don't bother me."

Emperor Wuming was very satisfied with the white-clothed girl's witty performance, and let go of the hand holding her jaw.

"When you recover from your injury, I will give you a resurrection pill, so that you can recover from the loss of that hand. If you were wronged before, your husband will seek justice for you."

"Yes, thank you husband, Huang'er will definitely be obedient and will never disturb her husband."

The girl in white was overjoyed, with a slight shyness, and directly changed her name to Emperor Wuming.

He promised to seek justice for her, which meant that he would help her deal with Jun Mohuang.

Author: Emperor Wuming, are you rubbish? You want a woman like a girl in white.

Emperor Wuming (disdainfully smiles coldly): I am in the next big chess game, you don't understand.

Explain Ha, Di Wuming hasn't had anything to do with the girl in white, everything is the illusion of the girl in white.

As for why Bai Yi is pregnant, there is an explanation above.

What exactly is Emperor Wuming doing? As said in the small theater above, he is playing a big game of chess.

You probably won’t guess the purpose of Emperor Wuming, only I know it and smile with arms akimbo~

(End of this chapter)

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