Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2649: Kingdom of God

Chapter 2649 Kingdom of God

This is the desirable kingdom of God.

The surviving spirit tribe army all looked behind Jun Mohuang faintly.

If there is such a place in this world, they are willing to give their lives in exchange for staying in this space for a while.

Emperor Lingtian also successfully turned one of the blood moon spirit powers into gold.

One gold and one red two rounds of blood moon phantoms appeared in the sky behind him for a long time.

The brilliance of gold and blood is intertwined.

Gold represents sacred holiness and light; blood represents **** killing and darkness.

These two energy sources with completely different attributes are perfectly combined to form the most original energy in the world.

The spirit races recognize that this energy is not exactly what it is, but they can feel that this energy is more suitable for cultivation than spiritual energy and more suitable for maintaining the operation of the entire world.

Behind the Emperor Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian, the phantom of the Phoenix space touched the two-wheeled moon spirit.

A wave of invisible energy ripples spread out from all directions.

The energy ripples at a very fast speed, silently tearing the space barrier and flying into the endless void.

When the energy ripple enters the endless void, the original transparent ripple immediately becomes substantial.

A series of white ripples cut open the void and headed towards the depths of the boundless void.

Since ancient times, no one has known what is in the depths of the void and where it leads.

After countless energy ripples spread, the phantom of the Phoenix space behind Jun Mohuang disappeared instantly.

Two rounds of a gold and a red moon behind Di Lingtian were nowhere to be seen.

The golden light that enveloped the two of them dissipated, and the two of them finally showed their strength in front of the world after this miracle.

Jun Mohuang, the middle stage of the second stage of the Primordial God Realm.

Emperor Lingtian, the late third stage of Yuanshen Realm.

The strength of the two had already been like this when they left the holy pool, but they were not inspired by the miracle of the Conferred God, and others could not know it.

In the deep pit below, Luo Chen had used these five minutes to escape without a trace.

Only the blood on the floor proved that Luo Chen was indeed here before.

This is the boundary between the Nine Nether Realm and the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Luo Chen is now not only the **** of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but also the Protoss of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Even if he was seriously injured, he could escape by taking advantage of time.

Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian exchanged glances.

Di Lingtian lowered his head slightly and kissed the corner of her lips.

"Go, Huang'er, let your husband do the rest."

Jun Mohuang smiled at him, she and Emperor Lingtian are already in the original spirit realm, dealing with a Luo Chen should not be too simple.

Luo Chen escaped the first year of the junior high school, but could not escape the fifteenth.

Now, what she needs to do is to completely heal her relatives and companions.

Jun Mohuang's figure volleyed and immediately appeared in the golden enchantment.

In the golden enchantment, everyone's movements were frozen at the moment she appeared.

Time seemed to stand still, Feng Yunqi and everyone else's breathing was stuck at that moment, and the blood gushing out of the wound was instantly frozen.

This golden enchantment is formed by the line that she affects the rules.

Not only has the effect of defense, but also has the effect of static time in a small area.

The latter function is a skill newly controlled after Jun Mohuang is promoted to the Primordial God Realm, and is only used in a small part.

The time in the golden enchantment was stopped, and the life state of everyone in the enchantment was also stopped.

Therefore, Jun Mohuang could safely attack Luo Chen and attack the Spirit Race army without worrying that they would die due to time delay.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you JK-N6, God of War, Bai Qi, ╭? Beicheng September? ╮, MsSunny and other babies' rewards.

It’s late today, and I’ve been on the road for most of the day, and it took a lot of time. I’m sorry to keep everyone waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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