Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2642: Overconfident

Chapter 2642 Overconfidence

Di Lingtian's dual-blood-moon spirit power had never been able to contend directly before.

But now, he is the only **** in this world, and Emperor Lingtian is only the ninth-order Great Perfection of Yuansheng Realm.

He wanted to catch the attack of Emperor Lingtian's double blood moon spirit power, it was not too simple.

The corner of Luo Chen's lips was a smile.

"Di Lingtian, you are still alive, indeed beyond my expectation. My lord will immediately show you what is the real **** race."

"Di Lingtian, if you survive, you should cherish your life and shouldn't appear in front of the monarch."

Luo Chen's whole body aura revolved, and the void behind him was torn apart, and seven thunder and lightning spheres with a diameter of three hundred meters greeted God's double blood moon spiritual power attack.

"Di Lingtian, die!"

"Luo Chen, you are overwhelmed."

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips lightly hooked, and the black sleeves flicked, the two rounds of blood moon suddenly increased five times.

The boundless blood dyed the air red, and the **** murderous air permeated every space.

Wherever the seven lightning **** went, purple light permeated. When Jun Mohuang saw Luo Chen avoiding his own attack, his eyes shrank slightly, quite surprised.

But when she saw Luo Chen's current strength clearly, and saw that he was actually facing Di Lingtian's attack, she immediately snorted.

She and Di Lingtian joined hands to seal Luo Chen's path, and he took the initiative to hit Di Lingtian's muzzle, and he could naturally escape her offensive.

Luo Chen thought that she and Di Lingtian were the previous strengths, but there was something he suffered.

Since Luo Chen was in a hurry to die, she certainly didn't have to stop him.

Jun Mohuang's ten fingers were slender, and his two small hands flew up and down, flicking the line of rules.

A sturdy golden barrier covered Feng Yunqi, Chi Chi Zi Zi and others.

The attack that Luo Chen evaded, suddenly turned in the air and attacked the spirit tribe army.

The overwhelming attack came oncoming, and the spirit tribe army looked astonished and avoided as quickly as possible.

Jun Mohuang's attack has already turned, but his power has not been damaged at all.

If this wave of attacks hits the army, the army of tens of millions may lose 10 million immediately.

The spirit tribe army wanted to pull their legs and leave, but the spirit energy in their bodies had long been locked by the line of rules by Jun Mohuang.

When the spirit tribe army found that they could not move, their expressions were extremely horrified.

Before they could utter any words of begging for mercy, Jun Mohuang's wave of attacks had already hit the spirit tribe army.

There was a loud noise, and the army of ten million spirit races turned into nothingness without leaving any ashes.

The remaining surviving spirit tribe army had no time to mourn the dead companions and fled the scene quickly.

Because in the sky, purple light and blood light each occupy half of the sky, Luo Chen's thunder and lightning light ball collided with Di Lingtian's blood moon spirit power.

Violet light and blood light burst open, and the eyes were all purple and red.

The aura in the air rioted, and every aura molecule exploded.

The shock wave is centered on the explosion point, like a sharp blade cutting in all directions.

Wherever he goes, rocks, trees, and soil become nothingness.

No one wanted to be affected and become nothingness, and the Spirit Race army had to flee desperately.

The remaining less than a thousand demons were lucky, and Jun Mohuang opened the Golden Dragon barrier for them in advance. ‘

The shock wave encountered the golden enchantment and was bounced away by the golden enchantment. Everyone in the enchantment was not affected in any way.

"You! This is impossible!"

Luo Chen twisted his brows tightly, with an expression of disbelief.

He was very confident just now, when Di Lingtian's double blood moon spirit power met the lightning ball attack, and the double blood moon spirit power was shattered in the first time.

Actually, I think Ling Tian should say more——Luo Chen, you use Rejoice too much

(End of this chapter)

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