Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2640: Current World Report 2

Chapter 2640 Current World Report 2

Patriarch Baili stared at all this blankly.

Luo Chen was about to do this, obviously he would not let Baili Yunsheng go, and Baili Yunsheng would lose his life.

"Very well, continue. Climb over now and chop off your parents' feet."

Luo Chen squeezed Mo Xi in one hand and a shadow stone in the other.

"Otherwise, you know what you will do."

Baili Yunsheng gritted his teeth and resisted the resentment in his heart.

Grabbing the **** saber, pushing away the companions around him, climbing up to the Baili Patriarch and his wife with difficulty, swinging the sabre.

"No! Shenger, what are you doing! Stop it, we are your parents!"

Baili Patriarch and his wife yelled in horror at Baili Yunsheng who was slowly climbing over.

All their actions at this time had been locked by Luo Chen, and they were immobile on the ground.

Seeing Baili Yunsheng, who was decisive and holding a long sword, Baili Patriarch and his wife felt that the person in front of them was not Baili Yunsheng at all.

"I'm sorry, father, mother, everyone has to pay for their mistakes. You are at fault. You shouldn't send Xiaoxi to Luo Chen as hostages."

Baili Yunsheng waved the long sword in his hand, and the blood light appeared along with the screams of Baili Patriarch, Mrs. Baili.

Baili Patriarch and his wife looked at the wound on their feet, their eyes rounded, and their eyes turned white.

They really want to pass out, but they just can't pass out.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty! Your subordinates ask themselves if they are loyal to the King, and they are indifferent, why! Why!"

Patriarch Baili looked at Luo Chen and insisted on asking questions clearly.

"Huh, loyal and undivided? They are just two lowly human races,

"This monarch is now the only **** race in this world, and he will look at your hundred-mile family. They are just two lowly human races. I really think that this monarch will rare you.

Luo Chen sneered again and again.

After he was promoted to the Primordial Spirit Realm, he could easily detect how much time the Patriarch and his wife Baili had stayed here as soon as he came here.

The couple had arrived here half a month ago with the hostages, and watched the spirit tribe army defeat again and again, but did not give the hostages out.

It's just waiting to be sold, just wanting to maximize their own interests.

It's ridiculous to be so loyal.

Patriarch Baili collapsed to the ground, afraid to say a word.

Luo Chen's little abacus in his heart has been seen through, he shouldn't be careful in front of Luo Chen!

In retaliation, Luo Chen directly caused the three of them to lose their feet.

In the future, there are more tortures waiting for them.

Patriarch Baili began to regret it, but at this time it was too late to regret.

"Okay, now that the warm-up of the family is over, this gentleman is about to enter the topic."

"All dragons, start bleeding from the aorta of the wrist, pay attention to collect your dragon blood, don't spill a drop."

"Otherwise, I will pinch Mo Xi to death."

The corners of Luo Chen's lips curled up, and he looked at all the dragons with the same gaze as the treasure.

The dragon clan is full of treasures, and dragon blood is a rare good thing, of course Luo Chen will not let it go.

Let these dragons die in human form, and they will automatically become true dragons after death. Then they will shave their dragon scales clean, draw out the dragon tendons, and then shave the dragon bones. Everything is perfect.

The dragons looked at Luo Chen and were angry, but they had no choice but to follow Luo Chen's method.

Maybe it was Luo Chen doing something, the blood of each dragon clan flows very fast.

Within three minutes, the faces of all the dragon races were paler than paper.

(End of this chapter)

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