Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2637: As you wish

Chapter 2637 I want to die, as you wish

The environment after the transformation of the Protoss can be completely restored except for the Protoss and the runes.

As long as Luo Chen stepped into the Nine Nether Realm, the Nine Nether Realm would really be finished.

"Brothers, fight! I would rather die than let Luo Chen step into the Nine Nether Realm!"

The Chi Chi mixed blood bathed in the blood, holding the knife covered with blood, and screaming with a spirit energy.

"Yes, this is the Nine Nether Realms of the Emperor and the Queen, and the Nine Nether Realms of each of our demon races. I would rather die than lose a single bit of territory!"

Chi Chi's appeal received a positive response from the demons, even though many of them were already seriously injured.

"You can't lose a point, brothers, well, our Mo people, our dragon people, our wind people, all live and die with you!"

Jun Mo's relatives and companions have always been fighting side by side with the demon army.

Everyone exchanged their eyes, seeing the blood on the faces of all their companions and the same pride in the **** battle at all costs, they began to laugh.

"Brothers kill!"

The morale of the demon army rekindled and rushed towards the spirit army.

"Huh, Feng Yehan, a traitor!"

Luo Chen saw Feng Yehan and Feng Clan being among the demon army, and his heart was violent.

A strong emotion of murder and blood raged wildly in his heart.

He wants to kill, he wants to kill Feng Yehan and all the traitors of the Feng Clan!

With a flick of Luo Chen's sleeves, more lightning spheres poured down and hit the demon army.

The crackling electric arc flashed, the sizzling electric sound rang, and the purple light burst out.

Although each demons tried their best to avoid Luo Chen's lightning ball attack, more demons were hit by the lightning ball, and they turned into ashes before they even hum.

The number of the demon army is decreasing sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The demons who survived by chance are now less than 10,000 people, and they are still indomitable, but their fighting spirit is getting higher and higher.

"Hmph, I want to see, how long can you hold on."

Luo Chen flicked his sleeves, and countless lightning **** poured down.

Soon, the number of the demon army, including the Mo, Dragon, Feng and Feng Yunqi on the battlefield, was already less than 1,000.

Fewer than a thousand people left the broad and open battlefield empty.

People who didn't know looked at it and couldn't believe it. This team of less than a thousand people was an army of demons who used to be brave and fierce.

"Hahahaha! Demons, and you traitors of the spirit race, kneel down and kowtow to this monarch for mercy, maybe this monarch is in a good mood and spare you not to die."

Luo Chen stepped on the golden dragon phantom, looking at the demonic army below a thousand people, he had begun to laugh arrogantly.

This is the army of Di Lingtian's demons, completely vulnerable!

"Luo Chen, you despicable villain, don't think about it!"

"Even if we are killed by your lightning ball, we are not willing to beg for mercy from you, a filthy and dirty person!"

Luo Chen's words immediately ushered in fierce resistance from the demon army.

Their eyes were round, and they wanted to go forward and tear Luo Chen into pieces.

"Very well, since you are eager to die, this lord is as you wish!"

Luo Chen laughed instead of anger, murderous aura surging crazily around his body, tearing the void behind him, revealing a black hole with a diameter of 100 meters.

The lightning spheres with a diameter of more than one hundred meters are ready to be sent. As long as Luo Chen's thoughts move, the lightning spheres will come and burn these people to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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