Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2631: Great Killing 2

Chapter 2631 The Great Killing 2

She is still smart, or she is unique.

She knew that Luo Chen would do this.

That's why we must resolutely abandon him and give advice to the 16 ministers and wives.

Unfortunately, none of them listened.

She did a good job, she really should have dismissed him.

He has been by Luo Chen's side for so long, but Feng Xiaorou is not as clear as Feng Xiaorou.

It was he who insisted on going his own way, and caused the death of his parents and the whole tribe on the spot.

It was he who went his own way, betraying his Lord Mohuang's life-saving grace, and betraying his promise of allegiance to her ever since.

Feng Xiaorou did a good job, because of her persistence, the Yuan clan saved the last bit of blood, so that it would not be annihilated.

The Yuan patriarch's heart is mixed with joy and sorrow, and his heart is extremely complicated.

At this moment, there are eleven spirit clan in the same mood as the Yuan clan chief.

They were all resolutely retired by their own wife just now, but they did not expect to escape because of this.

The feelings of the other fifteen spiritual ministers were completely different. The wives, unborn children, parents and all their relatives were all killed by Luo Chen.

It was a heavy blow to anyone.

In particular, their wives and children born in the future obviously have a chance to survive, and it is them... it is they who want to be tight-lipped about the shortcomings of the spirit tribe army.

They killed all their relatives!

Although they were loyal to Monarch Mo Phoenix and handed their lives and souls into her hands, they still had their own bottom line and persistence for the entire Celestial Spirit Realm and Spirit Race.

But now, what is their bottom line and persistence in exchange for!

Anger, sadness, quitting, regret and other emotions gradually corroded the reason.

"Ah! Luo Chen! I want to fight with you!"

Two spiritual ministers lost their minds, stared at Luo Chen and shouted angrily. With a little toe, they leaped into the big pit and flew towards Luo Chen.

"Bold! It's just the opposite!"

Luo Chen narrowed a pair of golden eyes, his invisible murderous aura poured out, turned into an energy ball with a diameter of tens of meters, and hit two spiritual ministers at the same time.

In an instant, these two spiritual ministers were exploded into a cloud of blood.

All this happened in a flash, Luo Chen's attack speed was too fast, so fast that everyone did not react.

The tragic death of their companions made the spirit ministers feel cold, and many spirit races became even more angry.

"My lord, my lord! The wives and parents of the subordinates did nothing wrong..."

A spiritual minister who had not completely lost his mind stepped forward, his eyes filled with sorrow and grief.

He didn't have any intention to disobey Luo Chen, but couldn't help but feel miserable in his heart and wanted to seek justice for his innocent family.

His fate was exactly the same as the fate of the two blatantly rebellious spiritual ministers just now.

Luo Chen sneered, and murderous aura appeared invisibly, forming an energy ball, blasting the third minister of the Spirit Race into blood mist.

"My lord, let your anger calm down, we just..."

They were just overwhelmed and not deliberately trying to offend Luo Chen.

The fourth spirit race stepped forward, trying to persuade Luo Chen to calm down.

However, his fate was the same as the previous two spiritual ministers, still turning into a cloud of blood.

"Your Majesty, Chief Xuan, he... He just wants to calm you down, how can you kill him all at once!"

The fifth minister of the Spirit Race trembling forward, he couldn't believe that Luo Chen would kill people indiscriminately.

In response to him, it was Luo Chen's murderous aura that formed the energy ball, and the fourth minister of the spirit race turned into a cloud of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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