Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2628: I will prove that I am right!

Chapter 2628 I will prove that I am right!

"Madam, madam..."

The chief of the Yuan clan and the twelve ministers stretched out their hands, wanting to come forward to chase Feng Xiaorou.

"Stop! You are no longer qualified to enter, go back to your heavenly spirit world, you are not welcome here!"

Chichi, Zizi and other demon races stopped in front of them.

"I said you guys, why bother to be like this. Anyway, your wives are more than this. Here, look, look, the chicks behind you are all your women, all listening to the big belly and carrying yours Child. Why do you want to be so pretentious."

"Yes, hurry up and take your little wife out."

Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong sang and made peace, and the ministers of these spirit races had nothing to say.

"You have nothing to say, right! If you have nothing to say, get out of here!"

Chi Chi waved his hand impatiently, "Brothers, do it, and invite these spirit races out of our Nine Nether World."

"Wait, wait, we are also willing to follow the priest, we will not return to the heavenly spirit world."

Just when the demon army was about to drive people out again, many of this group of about a thousand spiritual people made the same decision as Feng Xiaorou and others.

People in the spirit race are not fools at all, there are always clear-headed people.

Most of these people survived the holy pond and witnessed what happened in the holy pond.

After returning to Lingdu, he was taken to the Demon Race by Chi Chi Zizi and others.

The actions of Jun Mohuang and Luo Chen led the people in their eyes and in their hearts.

However, compared with the total number of this group of spirit races, this group is still a small number, probably less than two hundred people.

Except for these less than two hundred people, the other spirit races have not expressed their opinions.

In this way, these spirit races were all driven out of the Nine Nether Realm and returned to the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Stepping into the Celestial Spirit Realm, the Chief Yuan glanced at the Nine Nether Realm behind him.

Feng Xiaorou did not appear.

The chief of the Yuan clan closed his eyes slightly and sighed heavily.

Rouer, one day, I will prove that I am right.

The spirit races returned to the heavenly spirit world and soon met with the spirit race army.

For the return of the 28 spiritual ministers, including the chief of the Yuan clan, the spiritual clansmen were overjoyed.

They are the commanders in charge of the army, and they can know how to truly let the spirit race army exert its maximum combat effectiveness.

Now that the Yuan patriarch and others have returned, the spirit tribe army will surely be invincible, beat the demons to the ground, occupy the Nine Netherworld Realm as soon as possible, and destroy the demons.

The spirit tribe army immediately surrounded the Yuan patriarch and others.

"Master Yuan and all the adults are really amazing. In just half a month, they rescued their family from the demons!"

"Master Yuan, we are eagerly looking forward to this period of time, and we are looking forward to the return of Master Yuan and the adults. With the adults, we will definitely win the battle!"

"Go away, sirs, we will immediately regroup, defeat the Demon Race, and kill a Demon Race without leaving!"

The spirit tribe army didn't realize that Feng Xiaorou and other spirit tribes were not coming back, and they pushed Yuan chieftain and other ministers forward.

I guess they got it, and they wouldn't care.

Recently, the spirit tribe armies have been defeated one after another. Their spirit tribe armies have crystal pools. With the power of the crystal ponds, they should have been invincible.

Unexpectedly, the demons were so difficult to eat this time, so that every time they were forced to return to the heavenly spirit world, there was no progress at all in half a month.

The spirit races can't wait to get a big victory, and give out this bad breath.

(End of this chapter)

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