Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2615: The most important mission of the goddess

Chapter 2615 The most important mission of the goddess female king

Jun Mohuang couldn't understand the situation at hand.

It stands to reason that the two failed the impact and should be seriously injured to the point of dying.

The body of the whole **** must be possessed after being promoted to the gods, and the strength of her and Di Lingtian still stays at the ninth-order Great Perfection of the Yuansheng Realm.

"Don't worry, Huang'er, this is not a failure. I think we are successful in the elementary level assaulting the Primordial Spirit Realm."

Di Lingtian lifted the defensive barrier that was covering her body, stretched out his arms, and held her in his arms.

"It's just that if you want to really advance to the Yuanshen Realm, you still need to meet one more condition."

Jun Mohuang's beautiful eyebrows are slightly raised, "Conditions, what conditions."

Di Lingtian whispered: "Huang'er, don't forget, you are now the new female king of the gods, and the gods have fallen and withered, and now only you are left. What do you think is the most important mission of the gods' female king."

Jun Mohuang: "..."

The most important mission of the Protoss female king is of course to carry forward the power of the Protoss.

The problem is that there is only Jun Mohuang in the blood of God Race.

No matter how strong she is alone, she can unify the whole world, but she can't talk about carrying forward the Protoss.

Carrying forward this kind of thing depends on the number of people.

The only way to increase the number of Protoss is to breed offspring with Emperor Lingtian.

After all, I went back to this matter.

Jun Mohuang finally knew the fundamental reason why the female king of the **** race wanted Emperor Ling Tian to subdue the gods and let him enter this special space.

She is drunk too!

If it weren't for Jun Mohuang's plan to get the Phoenix Crystal, he would conceive offspring with Emperor Lingtian.

In the face of the Protoss' use of force as a threat, she would never agree.

"Huang'er, guess what I want to do now."

Seeing that she wanted to understand the crux of the problem, Di Lingtian restrained her tightly.

The temperature in a pair of blood eyes rose suddenly, almost able to melt Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and twisted him. What he wanted to do was written on those eyes, knowing that he was a consultant, he would sell well when he got the cheap.

Di Lingtian smiled lowly, and a series of deep and full of magnetic sounds sounded in Jun Mohuang's ears.

He gently brushed his sleeves, and countless spiritual energy surged out.

In this special space in the night and day part, all of it became black immediately.

Stars hung in the dark sky.

Two-thirds of the golden soul in the lake had been absorbed by the two.

Two-thirds of the waters became clear water.

These clear waters come from the divine essence after losing energy, which is different from ordinary water.

The lake is full of water, and the surface is as smooth as a mirror, mixed with bits of broken gold, and the stars in the sky are inverted.

When Jun Mohuang looked at the scene made by Emperor Lingtian, the two had already arrived on Yiye Qingzhou.

The canoe drove slowly, passing the mirror-like lake water, the lake water was controlled by the aura, without a trace, as if traveling in a galaxy.

Jun Mohuang stood in the front of Qingzhou, the breeze blowing her clothes and long hair.

She is used to seeing a lot of beautiful scenery, but she is still attracted by this scene.

"Huang'er, it's nice to marry me."

Di Lingtian gently stretched out his hands and hugged her from behind.

Bend down slightly, a gentle and mellow voice sounded in Jun Mohuang's ears.

Jun Mohuang leaned on him, his eyelids drooping like rose petals, and a pleasant smile spread from the bottom of his heart to the corners of his lips.

"Well...I have to think about it."

It turned out that Di Lingtian came up with these things to ask for marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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