Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2607: In the bag

Chapter 2607 is in the bag together

However, it didn't matter if the Mo clan ran away, he still held a trump card in his hand.

The soul of Jun Mohuang's mother Mo Luo was still in his hands.

With Jun Mohuang's mother in hand, even if he asked her to kneel to him immediately, she couldn't refuse.

Regardless of whether they are true or false, the two women, Jun Mohuang and the girl in white clothes, will be included in the bag together.

When the time comes to see who gives birth to his offspring is stronger, he will leave his offspring and focus on training.

As for the worse one, it is naturally the fate of being killed.

After he became the only Protoss in the world, Jun Mohuang had to commit himself to him and breed heirs for him.

But Di Lingtian became his defeated officer, and the prisoner could only watch his beloved woman become his fertility tool.

Luo Chen was falling into this beautiful dream and couldn't help himself. Another more panicked voice approached from far away.

The two mid-level first-tier masters of the Yuansheng Realm were panicked, and their faces were even uglier than the dead father.

"Junshang...Junshang! It's not good! The extremely secluded realm in the spiritual palace has been broken, and the soul of Junshangguan has been taken away!"

"What, say it again! Who did it!"

Luo Chen's dream was broken, and his mood was very unpleasant.

He came to the two of them in an instant, with a big hand on the neck of a strong man.

When Luo Chen was extremely angry, his strength was not well controlled, and he directly pinched this mid-level Yuan Sheng realm powerhouse to death.

The extremely secluded secret realm was the secret realm where he imprisoned the soul of Jun Mohuang's mother.

It is the secret realm that cannot be broken among all the secret realms in the spiritual palace. How could anyone break it and save Moluo's soul.

Unless Di Lingtian takes the shot himself.

But how could it be possible that Di Lingtian was lucky enough to be dying if he didn't die, he definitely didn't do it.

"Yes... it's seven demons, each of them is at the third level of Yuansheng."

"Subordinates, they don't know exactly how they did it. The subordinates visited the entrance of the secret realm as usual, and found that the secret realm was different from the past, only then found that it was broken..."

The strong man who was still alive trembled, repeated it and explained the situation, for fear that Luo Chen would pinch him to death in seconds.

"A bunch of trash!"

Luo Chen was furious, and slapped the person on the head with a palm.

This person who came to report the letter still failed to escape the fate of his companion.

"Pass the order down! Immediately send troops to the Nine Nether Realm, the Profound Capital Realm and the Bafang Profound Realm at the same time."

Luo Chen frowned and stretched a lot quickly.

It doesn't matter, one important hostage is gone.

He is the only **** in the future, without hostages, and he can still realize his plan.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, half an hour ago, all the members of the 28 tribes were taken away. The Yuan chiefs and the others, chased their tribe family members."

You Ling Clan had the courage to report to Luo Chen this news that he also just learned.

"According to the clue analysis, the people who took the members of the tribe are the seven demons..."

"Bastard, what do you do for food! The seven guards of Emperor Lingtian took all the spiritual clansmen of the 28 tribes of Lingdu abducted. It took half an hour before you found out!"

"A bunch of rice buckets!"

For all the members of the Spirit Race of the 28 tribes, the life and death of these people is completely irrelevant to Luo Chen.

The life and death of Di Ling is unknown, but his seven dark guards can enter the realm of no one in the spiritual capital.

It broke his mystery again, and it took nearly a thousand people away.

This is tantamount to slapping Luo Chen on the face.

Today is updated...

Thank you JK-N6, God of War, and Bai Qi for your rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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