Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2601: It's her

Chapter 2601, she should take up

There are more blood, constantly pouring from his chest and abdomen.

Mo Xi suppressed the flustered emotion in his heart, calm, and must be calm.

Although she is not a pharmacist, she can't treat injuries very accurately, and she doesn't have the ability to directly send the medicine into the sea of ​​Qi or stomach like Jun Mohuang.

But in her space ring there are many golden pills given by Jun Mohuang, and many golden spiritual springs. It shouldn't be a big problem to stabilize Yun Lan's injury.

Mo Xi took a few deep breaths, stretched out his hand to squeeze Yun Lan's jaw, and fed the medicine and golden spirit spring into his mouth.

She took a lot of effort in this process.

Yun Lan was in a deep coma, but her own warning to the outside world mentioned unprecedented telling.

He noticed that someone was going to feed him the pill, and he vomited it out instead of swallowing it.

It is impossible to tell who the people around him are, and who knows whether others are fed a pill or poison.

Mo Xi saw the golden pill rolling on the ground and immediately picked it up and cleaned it up with spiritual energy.

Fortunately, she was more mindful and didn't feed him the golden spiritual spring at the first time. The pill can be picked up and cleaned with aura without wasting at all.

That's not the case with Golden Spirit Spring.

Mo Xi tried several more times, all of which ended in failure.

If it continues to drag on, Yun Lan's injuries will only get worse.

Mo Xi's heart was crossed and he put the pill into his mouth.

The eyes are drooping, and the small face is slightly red.

Forget it, he took advantage of her once, and now, she should take advantage of him.

In this way, the two are even, and neither will suffer.

With this thought in mind, Mo Xi finally fed Yun Lan all the pills and the golden spirit spring by means of a ferry.

This method did not arouse any defense of Yun Lan.

It is already five minutes after this work has been completed.

Mo Xi's face was already flushed, and he tried his best to suppress the strange emotion in his heart.

She kept moving in her hand, cutting through Yun Lan's blood-filled clothing with a dagger, crushing the golden pill, and sprinkling a thick layer of powder on the wound.

Mo Xi tried his best not to focus on Yun Lan's shocking wound.

The wound began to heal slowly, and the blood gushing out was also reduced.

Despite this, many powders were washed away by blood.

Some internal injuries have been cured by taking the pill and golden spirit spring. For traumatic injuries, you only need to sprinkle the powder three times every few minutes, and the trauma will gradually heal and the blood will stop.

Mo Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and began to pay attention to Yun Lan's injuries, and counted the time to spray the powder again.

All her attention was on Yun Lan's injury, but she didn't notice. Five hundred meters away, Baili Patriarch and his wife were watching her with vicious eyes.

"This little **** is really shameless. He even took this opportunity to get close to Lan'er!"

Madam Baili's eyes were sharp, she wanted to rush up immediately, grabbed Mo Xi, and severely reprimanded her.

"That girl is desperately trying to climb up, all the attention of this meeting is on Lan'er, husband, let's do it."

Mo Xi is from Jun Mohuang, or her relative.

As long as she is caught and dedicated to Luo Chen, she can make up for the loss in the holy pond.

Luo Chen will definitely be in a good mood, and then he will give the Baili family a foothold in Lingdu.

Patriarch Baili's lips curled up with a successful smile and exchanged glances with Mrs. Baili.

The two of them exerted a slight force under their feet and turned into two afterimages, and they swept behind Mo Xi in the blink of an eye.

Baili and his wife used secret methods to restore their appearance and strength, and their ability to hide their breath greatly increased.

(End of this chapter)

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