Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2597: White

Chapter 2597 White

There is a second time for this kind of thing.

Di Lingtian began to take care of the state of his soul, and Emperor Wuming was very attached to him.

Two years passed in this way.

Emperor Wuming gradually gained strength and began to help Emperor Lingtian slaughter the beasts together.

"The essence and blood of the rune in my body was forced out one by one after one **** killing, and the blood of the demons gradually recovered."

"Finally when I was twelve years old, all the blood of the rune-makers in my body was forced out, and the blood of the demon race completely dominated the body.

"Emperor Wuming in the soul state relied on the blood of the runeman who was forced out of the body by me to reshape his body, and he was finally completely resurrected."

"My relationship with him has not changed in any way because of this incident."

"Until my mother finally sensed the existence of Emperor Wuming two months later, she dragged me and him directly into a special space, and killed him personally."

"He had been beaten before, and he had a negative impression of his mother. He thought I deliberately tricked him to his mother's side and watched him be killed."

Di Lingtian's tone was flat and plain, but what he said made Jun Mohuang's heart tighten.

From this passage, she proudly got a glimpse of Di Lingtian's childhood life.

In order to get rid of the will that the rune would impose on him in the future, he has lived this life since he was a child.

"All this is because of Emperor Yize."

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips pressed tightly.

She had seen the memories of Di Yize, the red-eyed woman was banned by Di Yize, no matter whether she wanted it or not, she had to kill Emperor Wuming.

Di Yize is the initiator of all these tragedies.

Using strong means to destroy a child in the abdomen of a mother, after many years, he used talismanic prohibition to force a mother to kill the child who was finally resurrected.

Jun Mohuang just showed sympathy to Emperor Wuming, but when she thought of him pretending to be Emperor Lingtian and wanting to take care of her own brother to death, of course she had no mercy for Emperor Wuming in her heart.

Her family, Ling Tian, ​​had spent eight lifetimes of bad luck before she became such a father.

Jun Mohuang's heart was extremely angry, and even Emperor Ling Tian had been cured by the Crystal of Origins without discovering.

"Huang'er, how did you recognize that he wasn't me just now."

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand to surround her, and held her in his arms.

Di Wuming was the first time he tried to establish an emotional connection with others. After Di Wuming was killed by the woman with red eyes, his heart closed again and fell into darkness again.

It was his Huang'er who completely rescued him from the cold and **** life again, and made him fully realize for the first time that living can be so beautiful.

"This is too simple. First, his background is white."

Jun Mohuang didn't realize the change in Di Lingtian's emotions, she twitched the corner of her mouth, thinking of the loopholes in Emperor Wuming.

At that time, she was chasing Di Lingtian from falling into the abyss, and her whole spirit was tense. For fear of losing Di Lingtian, she immediately opened her eyes and turned on her vision function.

In addition to being able to see clearly Di Ling's clothes inside and out, the new features given to her by the last goddess of the Protoss race had little effect in the abyss.

She knew exactly what Di Lingtian wore.

After passing through the black miasma, Jun Mohuang was worried that there would be traps in the abyss, and still did not close this credit.

The white mist of Emperor Wuming was indeed powerful. At that time, she did not find the hidden Di Lingtian, but she discovered Emperor Wuming for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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