Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2595: Have a chance?

Chapter 2595 is promising, isn’t it?

Finally, the man in white couldn't admit it anymore, and turned into a white streamer to escape.

The white-clothed man was seriously injured, and the white mist covering Di Lingtian automatically unraveled.

It happened to be only one and a half minutes past.

"Ling Tian!"

Jun Mohuang rushed to Di Lingtian's side and found that his real situation was worse than the fake Emperor Lingtian just now.

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips twitched slightly, and the **** eyes overflowed with tenderness and concentration, sweeping away the sadness that had been revealed before.

What he did just now was just trying to deceive Emperor Wuming and lower his vigilance.

"Don't talk!"

Jun Mohuang saw the corners of his lips move slightly, ready to speak, and immediately stopped.

Di Lingtian's current situation is very serious, and the golden spirit spring can no longer be rescued.

Jun Mohuang quickly looked around, and immediately saw the huge crystal of origin in the cave not far away.

"Ling Tian, ​​grab the corner of my clothes."

She stuffed the corners of her clothes into Di Lingtian's hands, fearing that he would not be able to hold them tightly, Jun Mohuang immediately tied the corners of her clothes on his fingers, and her hands were marked.

In the next instant, the two appeared on the huge crystal of origin.

The Emperor Mohuang carefully squared the Emperor Lingtian in the crystal of the origin, and the golden halo automatically gathered and injected into the body of the Emperor Lingtian.

Di Lingtian's pale and snowy face immediately eased, and his weak and disordered breathing became much smoother.

Jun Mohuang bit his fingertip, and a drop of blood appeared on the white tender fingertip.

The Emperor Mohuang made a gesture to smear the essence and blood on the crystal of origin, but Emperor Lingtian held his wrist.

"Huang'er, don't."

"No? Ling Tian, ​​your health is a little better now, are you promising?"

Jun Mohuang squinted his eyes slightly and glanced at the hand holding her wrist.

Di Lingtian's hands were well-knotted and slender as jade, as graceful as usual.

She will almost lose him, if she finds him 30 seconds later half a minute later, even if there is a huge piece of Origin Crystal here, everything will be powerless.

When Jun Mohuang thought of this, he was afraid for a while.

Di Lingtian slowly said: "Don't worry about me, Huang'er, it costs too much to save me. The energy in this crystal of origin is enough to make Huang'er hit the original spirit realm. If you use it to save me..."

"Di Lingtian, do you look down on me?"

When Jun Mohuang heard him say such words, there was a small emotion in his heart.

Emperor Lingtian smashed the original crystal and was injured by backlash.

If you want to completely heal his injury, everything is useless, you must use the energy in the original crystal.

The energy in this crystal of origin was only enough for one of them to use.

Used to heal Emperor Lingtian's wounds, Jun Mohuang couldn't use it to restore strength and reach the Primordial Divine Realm.

Jun Mohuang used it to reach the Primordial Divine Realm, but it could not be used to rescue Emperor Lingtian.

Could it be that in Di Lingtian's heart, she was the kind of person who ignored his life and death for her own strength?

Jun Mohuang's tone was fierce, but the movements on his hands were extremely gentle.

She gently removed Di Lingtian's hand, wiped half of the blood from her finger onto the crystal of the origin, and the remaining half touched Di Lingtian's brow.

Di Lingtian and the Crystal of Origin established a connection through her essence and blood.

The crystal of the origin vibrated slightly, the golden light inside flowed, and a large amount of golden energy poured into the body of Emperor Ling Tian.

Di Lingtian's face recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the crystal of the origin was also turning from gold to white at the same speed.

A round of soft golden light automatically formed a defensive enchantment, wrapping the two and the original crystal.

Jun Mohuang held Di Lingtian's hand and looked around, with a pair of golden eyes full of vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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