Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2571: Grab body control

Chapter 2571 Seize control of the body

"This... how is this possible! How could Yun'er die! How could it!"

With the heart of blood evil, Emperor Lingtian, Zi Shuilan, and Jun Mohuang were as powerful and powerful as they could only be crushed and beaten.

Yaoxuan and Rong Yun possessed the sacrificial jade talisman of the gods in their hands. Taking advantage of the loss of both sides, it was easy and simple to go in and get the Heart of Blood Fiend.

How could something happen!

However, the sense of blood in the heart, Rong Yun has indeed died.

Bloodline induction, there will be no fake.

The black shadow man leader immediately left Lingquan and went to check the enchantment.

The leader of the black shadow man soon came to the edge of the canyon barrier. He used various colors of elementary spirit crystals to break the barrier and saw a huge black ruin.

Luo Chen and a group of spirit races were busy digging out the white spar from the ruins.

The air in the enchantment was sober, there was no trace of **** evil air.

The black shadow man's boss was shocked, and he took two steps back quickly, his eyes dizzy.

The land of the true gods was in ruins, and there was not even a trace of blood in the air.

What does this show, it shows that the Heart of Blood Fiend has been thoroughly purified.

How could the Heart of Blood Fiend be purified? This is the spirit body that the blood of the Protoss was spawned and evolved by the force of the sky.

Unless, Jun Mohuang and the other three have a large amount of divine power to accomplish this feat.

Only the first two generations of goddess can possess the energy of the gods, and it is impossible for any of these three to possess this energy.

But no matter how difficult it is for the black shadow man leader to accept, he must face this difficult reality-the heart of the blood evil has indeed been thoroughly purified, and this mission has failed!

The leader of the black shadow man couldn't imagine how he would face the master's anger.

When he was thinking about how to explain to the white-clothed man, his consciousness and consciousness suddenly swayed, and the indifferent and cold voice of the white-clothed man resounded in the consciousness of the black shadow leader.

"Heart of Blood Fiend, hurry up and offer it."

The white-clothed man estimated that at this meeting, the manpower arranged by the black shadow man's leader had already obtained the Heart of Blood Fiend.

"...Master! Master calm down! The Heart of Blood Fiend... The Heart of Blood Fiend has been purified..."

The leader of the black shadow man suddenly heard the voice of the white-clothed man, his legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

"What! Say it again!"

The coldness in the voice of the white-clothed man suddenly spread throughout the body of the black shadow man's leader through his divine sense.

A thin layer of frost covered the black shadow man leader.

The black shadow man's leader shivered, he knew that this was a sign of his master when he was extremely angry.

If possible, he would not say a word to his owner now, and immediately crawl out of the holy pond.

"Master, the Heart of Blood Fiend... The Heart of Blood Fiend has really been thoroughly purified..."

The Black Shadowman leader couldn't escape all this, so he had to bite the bullet.

"Purified... things are really unexpected."

What the black shadow leader didn't expect was that the white man not only didn't get angry, but smiled slightly.

Hearing his laughter, the black shadow man's head was terrified, and his hair was all upright.

What's more terrifying than the master's temper and anger is... the master's laugh.

This thought flashed in the head of the black shadow man. The divine consciousness seemed to be pierced by a thousand needles. There was something that wanted to invade his divine consciousness and steal the control of his body.

Before he could utter a painful cry, he suddenly closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

In the next instant, the black shadow man leader who fainted opened his eyes, and the black eyes were full of biting meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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