Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2558: His life has come to an end

Chapter 2558 His life has come to an end

Why did he suddenly abandon the formation and use the same path to return? !

Seeing Di Lingtian's actions, Zi Shuilan's eyes flashed, giving up immediately using the formation method and following Di Lingtian closely.

Jun Mohuang's doubts were quickly resolved.

When Di Lingtian took her to the place where the hall and the corridor were connected, she saw Rong Yun's face like white paper, sitting on the stone wall.

"Bring him on and immediately use the formation to get out."

After Di Lingtian said these words, the red light flashed, and the Emperor Mohuang disappeared instantly.

Zi Shuilan stretched out his hand to grab Rong Yun's arm, and the purple light flashed and disappeared instantly.

Outside the huge meteorite, the hidden formations were Jin Guangsheng, Emperor Lingtian, Jun Mohuang, Zi Shuilan, and Rong Yun successfully escaped by using formations.

But now they are not really safe.

As soon as the four of them stood firm, the huge black meteorite collapsed.

The rumbling sound resounded throughout the world, and even the ground was shaking.

This meteorite has a huge volume, a solid material, and a white spar with majestic energy inside. A complete collapse will surely generate an extremely powerful shock wave.

Therefore, the two of Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan kept walking, using the power of the formation to generate wind under their feet, and in an instant, they had already reached the boundary that covered the meteorite.

The enchantment just entered, no matter what, the four of them rushed out of the enchantment without hindrance.

Out of the enchantment, Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan kept pace.

The golden silk thread formed by the formation was entwined under the feet of the two of them, raising the speed of the two to the extreme.

At the last moment of leaving the barrier, Jun Mohuang looked back and saw that the huge black meteorite completely collapsed to the ground.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye centered on the collapsed pile and quickly spread to all sides.

In an instant, the earth shook, the ground collapsed, cracked, and smoke filled the sky. The shock wave hit the enchantment one second after the four people went out.

The rock-solid barrier shook violently.

The barrier of the Protoss cannot completely offset the shock wave.

The shock wave was blocked by the barrier, leaving Yu Wei transformed into energy wind blades, bombarding indiscriminately within three kilometers of the barrier.

Outside the barrier, the girl in white clothes and many spirit races are staying here, waiting for Luo Chen to return.

Seeing Emperor Lingtian, Zi Shuilan rushed out and galloped forward quickly. The spirit race looked at each other, wondering what had happened.

"Queen of God, offended!"

The Spirit Race reacted extremely quickly, and immediately realized that there was a danger. He saved the white-clothed girl and retreated back as quickly as possible.

Seeing the actions of their companions, other spirit races also retreated.

But their speed was too slow, and the wind blade that the shock wave was blocked by 95% of its energy by the barrier had already attacked.

Even if only 5% of the energy is left, it is not something these spirit races can resist.


A series of screams sounded, blood staining the earth red.

In an instant, more than seven spirit races were killed by the wind blade.

There are less than a thousand people left in the spirit race.

Di Lingtian hugged Jun Mohuang, and Zi Shuilan carried her fullness, until he was far away from the enchantment, Di Lingtian stopped.

Zi Shuilan also stopped and placed the content on a soft grass.

Rong Yun's complexion was pale, and the corners of her lips kept pouring blood.

His breathing was weak, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that his life had come to an end.

"Rong Yun!"

Jun Mohuang stepped forward and checked his physical condition with the power of induction.

The internal organs, the air and the sea are broken, and the fragmentation is only the size of gravel, which is simply terrible.

"Rong Yun, how did you make yourself like this."

(End of this chapter)

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